Thirty Eight

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As the days passed by slowly, Effie longed to return to school, she was so sick of being stuck at Malfoy manor, any other teenager would be over the moon about not having to attend school but for Effie it was hell, being cooped up in this big, quiet house felt like being imprisoned, Draco was hardly ever there, she couldn't see her friends and there was hardly ever anything to do.

The library at the manor was the only place that Effie felt at peace and occupied, there were endless books to read, all on the dark arts, which was fascinating considering there were no books at all in Hogwarts of the sort.

She sat for hours reading a book named Secrets of the Darkest Arts. A lot of the information that she came across was rather predictable, unforgivable curses etc. That was until she came across a very interesting section in chapter twenty two, the page was titled 'Horcrux', Effie still didn't fully understand how one could create a horcrux, it was a confusing topic but a dark one also.

A horcrux, is an object in which a wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of their soul in order to live forever. A horcrux can only be created after committing the most extreme act of evil- murder. The act of murder with no remorse or regret damages part of the soul, if a wizard or witch wishes to create a horcrux they would use a spell in order to sever the damaged potion of the soul into an object, that object would then live on if the creator was to die.

Evil— pure evil. It was a lot of information to understand, but one thing Effie did understand was that Voldemort had murdered seven people in order to live on forever, as she read on a lot of things started to make sense, why Harry was looking for horcruxes, why the dark Lord was suddenly looking a lot weaker.

To her understanding, if a person creates a horcrux and is still alive, the destruction of that object would leave that person at their weakest and most vulnerable, and if Harry   had already destroyed five and their were seven, their was only a small amount of Voldemort's soul out there, and if that were to be destroyed, maybe someone could finally defeat him.

Effie was enjoying her life right now, she didn't mind being on the side of the Dark Lord, but she knew it would make everyone's live easier if he weren't here, everyone could stop being scared of him- she seen the fear of the eyes of each and every one of his followers, the only reason they laughed at his vile humour was out of fear, the fear that he could kill you in a second because he didn't care who he hurt. You were protected being a follower of his, but not from him.

As Effie's head was buried deep in the book, the library door slid open loudly, causing her to almost jump out of her skin, as far as she was aware it was only her home.

She spun round in her chair to see Draco, standing at the door, shirt half unbuttoned, hair a mess, he looked like he had been fighting.

"What's happened to you?" She quickly stood up and walked towards him and grazed her hand over his cheek which was slightly bruised.

"I'm fine." He snapped, pulling his face away and pushing her hand out of his way.

"You don't seem fine, had something happened? Have you been fighting?" She asked, sounding more concerned than ever.

"Effie— I said I'm fine, fucking hell will you just leave it." He shouted, causing her to go silent, she turned and walked out of the room without a word.

"And where are you going?" He scoffed, watching her walk down the hall.

"To get you something to clean up the state of yourself." She sneered, she hated when he kept things from her, it made her feel like an outsider again, as if she wasn't good enough to be there for him.

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