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After laying for about an hour admiring her new room, Effie was in pure lust, the walls were painted a beautiful shade of grey, there was a huge four poster bed and she had her own bathroom. This was very different from the children's home, back there the walls were dull, cracked and the paper peeling off.

Effie finally decided to get ready to head back down for dinner, it had been a busy day that worked up a hearty appetite. She put on a pair of black jeans and a hoodie, which was needed because this mansion was freezing, obviously because of how big it was, the place was like a whole hotel.

When she headed back downstairs, Dumbledore was still there along with Severus sitting at the dinner table waiting for her to arrive.

"Tuck in, you'll be starving. I don't imagine they were feeding you very well at that home. Your like skin and bones." Snape muttered, his voice was almost like a permanent whisper and he barely moved his lips when he spoke.

"The food was disgusting, everything looked like mush." Effie replied in an enraged tone, Dumbledore let out a chuckle.

Her plate was full with chicken, potatoes and loads of vegetables all topped off with some gravy, she picked up her knife and fork and started to eat, Severus was right she hadn't had a proper meal like this in months due to the fact that the children in the home kept putting rotten things in her food.

"So there are a few things we need to go over before we can take you to Hogwarts." Snape started, looking over at Dumbledore for assurance.

Effie looked at the pair and nodded, signalling to go on.

"No one is to know that you are living with me during the holidays. As far as they are aware you go to camp in New Zealand during the holidays. Okay?" He continued.

"Why?" Effie questioned, her eyebrows furrowed.

"That's not important, and onto the next, your name when you go to Hogwarts will not be Katz, it will be Burke. Your mother's maiden name. Understood?"

Again Effie was wondering why there were all these conditions.

"Okay but why?" She quizzed again.

"I think that one is pretty obvious. You might not have known our world, but our world knows about the little girl who killed her father as if by magic. People know your name and your family. So you will be Elizabeth Burke. Yes?" He asked, although it seemed more a statement than a question.

"Okay understood, can I ask a question now?" She retorted.

"Go on?" He nodded back in response.

"Well two questions in fact— one, if I am a wizard and I was supposed to go to Hogwarts, then why am I only finding out just now? Why didn't you come and find me three years ago—"

"Your father." Dumbledore interrupted. "He demanded that you never know. And as your legal guardian we had to obey his orders."

That made a lot of sense in Effie's mind, because if her father did let her go away to Hogwarts, he wouldn't have had anyone to take his anger out on, just the walls of the house which were already dented in multiple places by his fists— he would have had no one to control.

"Okay— question two. What does being sorted into my house mean— you mentioned it earlier?" She asked, remembering Snape's statement from earlier.

"Usually if you were starting in first year, we have a sorting ceremony, there are four houses. Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin, each student is sorted into one of these houses. Your parents were both in slytherin." He explained. "When we get to Hogwarts we'll get you sorted and find you a room." Dumbledore assured her.

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