Part 9: A Train Ride Home

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Draco can hardly remember what happened. He can hardly put more than two thoughts together as he slowly finds his strength to open his eyes. Thanks to Madame Pomphry, he at least has a functioning mind- though it isn't the fastest function part of his body at the moment. Opening his eyes, he finds his hand being held by Hermione, who appears to have fallen asleep, resting her head on the edge of the bed.

Reaching across with his free hand, he gently runs his fingers over her hair.

So beautiful and sweet.

I hope she continues to care when she wakes up.

Stirring beneath his hand, she slowly sits up and rubs her eyes, before becoming fully awake at the sight of him catching her gaze.

"Draco! How are you feeling?!" She asks worriedly- still clutching his hand tightly in hers.

"I've definitely been better." He quietly groans in pain. His concussion may have been dealt with by Madame Pomphry, but the sting and ache is still rampant.

"I was so worried when I saw you falling...and then when the bludger hit you..." Tears choke her and she squeezes his hand involuntarily. "I'm so sorry."

"'s not like you put the bludger up to it." He tries to sit up, but she places her hand firmly on his chest to keep him down.

"I'm not talking about the game. I'm sorry I haven't talked to you since Halloween. I'm so sorry...can we be friends again?"

I don't want to be friends.

"I guess long as I don't have to play dress up again." Laughing she leans forward and wraps her arms around him. Her hug makes his whole body ignite and he just wants to pull her down into bed and hold her and leave little kisses all over her neck and cheeks.

"Haha, never again. I promise. Madame Pomphry said you can leave when you're ready... and it appears you haven't been eating properly again..." She's noticed. How couldn't she? And looking at him in his Slytherin Quidditch Jumper- she can visibly see the lost weight from his midsection.

"I've been a bit...careless with it lately..."

"Well...we're going to fill you up and then get ready for the train ride home. Alright?"

"Do I have a choice." She shakes her head no- a soft smile playing on her lips and all he can do is smirk. "Fine then...have it your way."

"I will. Haha, come on." Helping him up, he leans onto her side as they walk. His head dizzier than a fanged frisbee. "You won Slytherin the Quidditch Cup by the way. Everyone was impressed."

"Well...I try my best."

"You're bloody brilliant." As they make their way to the great hall, Hermione can feel her insides shifting as she holds onto Draco.

"You okay?" He asks pained as he looks down at her. All she can do is nod and he just wishes she would speak her mind.

She usually doesn't have a problem doing so, but today she seems to be guarding herself.

Forcing her to stop, he looks down at her and she reddens under his eyes and pushes a stray strand of her hair behind her ear. Taking her by her hand, he leads her to a small alcove for some privacy.

"Listen...I'm sorry I made things weird between us. It wasn't my intention...I was just trying to be nice and give you a decent night for your last year."

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