Part 12: Oh Holy Night

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After their little game of dress up and a very quaint dinner- the adults and the three girls decide to watch It's A Wonderful Life in the living room.

Now, not having ever watched a movie, let alone sit in front of a television set, Draco observes from the hallway the mystical work that is the functioning tv.

"You can go sit down and join them you know." Hermione quietly says to Draco as he leans against the archway frame.

"I'm fine." He quietly says- nervous as to what kind of magic the television is. "Never know what kind of black magic that is."

"Haha, it's just a t.v Draco. No black magic at all. In fact no magic what so ever. Just electricity."

"Like from Muggle Studies?" They briefly touched on the top of electricity- but haven't actually gotten to the lessen yet.

"Yes. The electricity comes from the poles with the wires attached to them outside. The wire runs into the houses Circuit, and the connectivity between the particles and ions sort of do a dance that makes electricity- so when you plug in anything- metal prongs call the dancing electricity over and they shag making power as long as the device is on and plugged in."

"Oh....wait- Electricity shags?!"

"No...I just needed a way to kind of explain it to you without being all know it all-ly on you." She quietly giggles and he rolls his eyes.

"So when the professor asks- I should explain it that way so I get it correct."

"Haha- absolutely- I won't even raise my hand because I want to see Professor Cattermole's face when you explain it to her." She grins wildly and he just rolls his eyes. "Seriously though, you should go watch. It's a good movie. I think you may like it a lot."

"Will you be watching it?" His voice sounds childlike almost- as if he's scared to watch it by himself and needs her by his side to get through.

"Well....Ron and I were going to take advantage of everyone being distracted." She can't lie to him- especially after how well behaved he's been all day.

"So that's why you want me to watch the movie. So you and your boyfriend can shag in your charmed room- where no one will hear you." Trying so hard not to sound disappointed and disgusted- he looks down at her briefly and then back at the beginning credits that are playing before the actual movie.

"We won't be shagging..."

"Why? Need a French Letter...sure you could conjure one."

"No- we don't need one because we won't be shagging because...because I don't think we need to do that yet." She awkwardly confesses and his eyes widen as he looks down at her.

"You mean you two haven't yet? Like ever?"


"But you've at least....ya know."


"Have either of you?"

"I haven't!"

"Has he?"

"I....I don't know. I don't want to know if he has or hasn't." Draco smirks and look back at the tv and a Hermione becomes all hot and bothered that Draco is interrogating her about her sexual prowess.

"I would've thought you would- want to know that is."


"Because you should know the number of people your partner's been with and you should know if they're carrying any...extra unwanted pals with them." Cheeks reddening, she looks up the stair case and then back at Draco. "But I wouldn't open that vial of potion yet if you're not 100% sure you want to drink it."

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