Part 11: An Unusual Side of You

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Leaning against the brick wall outside Hermione's home, Draco stares off at the pavement- trying hard to not only calm himself down from how angry Ron makes him, but also trying to rid himself of his never ending headache.

"Doing alright?" Jerking around, Draco finds Mr. Granger coming up behind him. As he comes around the front of Draco and leans against the halfway beside him- Mr. Granger quietly examines the street before them.

He's been living on this street for over 23 years now. His marriage begun on it and his family had grown around it. And those 23 years- though not always the most fun and exciting- always seemed to leave him thinking about what was to come.

"Oh...yes, Sir. Sorry for the outburst in there." Draco looks back at the small two story brick home and in his heart- he's already grown to love it, despite only residing in it for less than thirty minutes. He liked it because unlike his enormous mansion- it was warm and cozy- welcoming. He used to think the bigger the home, the richer you are- but from just stepping inside Hermione's tight knit home: where everything can be heard and seen and it feels loved in: he finds you don't have to have money and expensive things to be rich: because it's the love of your family and friends that defines your success and value.

He just wishes he knew that growing up. Now at almost 19, he fears his life has been a waste up until this point- and he finds it oddly enough that he discovered all this wonder and joy from being around Granger.

"Don't worry about it. I'm pleased you said something offense but if I would've done it- I would've been the bad guy for the rest of Hermione's visit. So thank you for not only sticking up her my daughter...but taking the heat for me." Mr. Granger smiles and pulls out a fag from his cigarette pouch and then a lighter. It intrigues him to see Mr. Granger doing such a bad habit like smoking. "Non-nicotine. As a young man...well younger: I'm not terribly old- haha- I picked up the bad happened from a buddy of mine. I quite once before...when Hermione was a tiny tot- but when she...ya know...Obliviated us? Is that the spell?"


"Right- when she did that- it sort of... I don't know brought back the habit. I really only stopped for her. Now it's back unfortunately...I found these non nicotine ones to bide me over until I can kick it. It does make me immensely less's just disgusting." He says and takes a puff of the fag before looking at Draco.

"There is a breaking addiction spell Hermione could do on you."

"Oh- I can't tell her. She would be crushed seeing her old man doing such...terrible..."

"It's smoking, Sir. It's not exactly murdering people. I could do it- if you would like."

"Well that would be splendid."

"I would need to go to Diagon Alley to get all I need- but it's all relatively easy." He says and Mr. Granger smiles and nods before taking another puff.

"Thank you, Mr. Malfoy."

"Draco, Sir."

"Draco." He shakes the boys hand and smiles warmly at him. "Paul."


"I suppose I should kick your arse for all the shit you've done to my little girl." With that statement, Draco feels his time being welcomed at the Granger house has been short lived.

"I'm afraid so...but I will take it with the little dignity I have left, Sir." Paul starts laughing hysterically and claps the young man on his shoulder.

"Haha, I like you Draco. I was only kidding. Hermione owled us a month or two ago and spoke very highly of you. I have to say I was short of shocked by her letter- telling her mother and I that you and her were completely getting on and had put the past behind you. When Lydia called me from the station and said you were coming for Holiday- I thought a little prat would show up all stuffy and it would be unbearable. Thought I'd have to teach you a lesson...but once more I'm pleasantly surprised. I can see how much you've grown and I never even truly knew you. I mean, if my Hermione can trust you and look passed everything- then I certainly can long as you don't hurt her again- then I may have know...put you under my car."

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