Part 8: A Dance

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Walking back over to Hermione, Ginny feels she's lost the good fight for her friend.

She just wanted Hermione to feel beautiful and wanted.

Instead they're nearly ready to give up and leave.

"That was a fast drink."

"Yeah... come on." As they stand up, Draco comes out of no where and flanks them.

"Um...Hermione...would you...I mean...would you like to dance...with me?" He bravely stammers and Ginny disappears before Hermione can make any kind of excuse.

" Sure." Taking Draco's hand, she allows him to lead her to the dance floor, where he places his one hand on her waist and cups the other around her hand. She holds onto his shoulder and feels her whole body ignite. She's only ever danced with Viktor Krum. Even at Fleur's wedding- only Viktor. She's asked Ron several times to dance with her since they got together- each time his response was more or less a no.

She knows if he was here tonight- he and Harry would still be lounging at the table or up in the dormitory playing Wizard's Chess. Although now maybe Harry would actually dance with Ginny.

Dancing with Draco feels like an odd dream almost. Floating on clouds and feeling light as a feather: she can't understand why he makes her feel this way.

"You look amazing, tonight- Hermione." He looks longingly into her eyes and feels his stomach twist and turn faster than they are dancing.

"No..." It makes her uncomfortable being called beautiful in any sort of way. She's never once believed it. How can she?

She's known for her brains not her beauty.

"Yes- you are and not just tonight...always." He says sincerely and her mouth gapes at his bold statement and she has no defenses about her. "You should be told that- everyday."

They slowly dance and Hermione can't stop feeling guilty about Ron.

"Draco...we...we shouldn't be doing this." She stops them and he looks between her eyes.

I told Ginny this was wrong.

I told her that I wasn't supposed to be dancing with Hermione- that it would only end terribly.

And yet I went and did it anyway.


And I like it.

"You deserve someone who sees you Granger- someone who wants to put your happiness above their own." He quietly says. This causes her heart to flutter and stomach to fill with butterflies.

"I...I think I should go." Pulling away from him, she heads out of the Great Hall and begins running up the staircases to get to the Gryffindor common room. Standing there defeated, Draco doesn't understand why he cares so much about her- he never used too.

Maybe that's the way it should be.

To go back to living my own life without her in it.

It would save me the heart ache and her the disappointment.

Walking towards the exit, Draco just wants to go back to how it was. Self isolation and no Hermione Granger.

"Draco? You okay?" Neville asks and he just pushes passed him and Luna, angrily and upset.


He spent all Saturday and Sunday in his Dorm. He didn't leave it once- not even to go eat.

He ignored the knocking from Ginny and Neville and Luna- and wasn't the least bit surprised when Hermione didn't even bother to check on him.

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