Part 13: Such A Head Case

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She has always hated waiting.

Patience hasn't ever really been her strong suit- especially if it is cause for concern.

She's been pacing the floor for the last half an hour and her father is at the point of losing it.

"Hermione, dear- sit. It's going to be a while. They said they needed to drain the blood from his brain- he'll be in there a while." Paul's words weren't comforting. They made her feel worse and ate at her like acid. The more she waits around, the worse she begins to feel.

"It was my fault..."

"Did you shove him?"


"Then how is it your fault?" Sighing heavily, she sits down and stares at her hands in her lap.

"Because we were talking and I got upset and I went to go upstairs and he just wanted to talk- so he took my wrist- not hard or anything- and I pull my hand away from him and he's had poor balance all day so he swayed- his foot hit the edge of the stairs and he fell back before I could stop it." Paul eyes his daughter and is beyond curious about so much- but she isn't the same little girl who would tell him every little secret like she used too. No, now his daughter kept things from him and told harmless fibs to make him feel better about some of her choices.

"Sounds like an accident Hermione. One you shouldn't blame yourself for."

"I just....I feel horrible- Dad. I feel stuck between a rock and a hard place. and I don't know how to get free."

"What are you stuck between?" He turns in his spot and looks at his very grown up daughter, who changed his life nineteen years ago for the better. He only wants to comfort her and her to know he's there for her always.

How do I phrase everything without making anyone look bad? Is that even possible.

"Let me guess- blonde hair, silver eyes, tall, charming and a bit arrogant at times. And red hair, overbearing, misguided, and familiar."

"I tell Ron all the time Draco and I are just good friends, but he doesn't seem to care either way. He's upset that Draco came home with us and it's just so annoying."

"And Draco?"

"I mean...He's different than he was. He's sweet and caring- we get along like we've always been friends. He's surprising at time when he tells me things about him- like how lonely his holidays are and how he really hasn't ever experienced true joy and happiness. It's sad and I seen him struggle with dealing with his sadness- I just want him to be happy and safe and Ron doesn't get any of it. He doesn't trust me." Smiling softly and feeling powerful- having his daughter finally open up- Paul places his hand on Hermione's and looks deep into her eyes.

"I think what needs to happen, Cupcake- is you need to truly sit down and think about everything. Ron is a very nice guy. I enjoy seeing you, him and Harry carrying on: but I have to admit since you two started dating he has changed and I don't think it's for the better. Draco has definitely changed for the better though. He has come into his own and I think he really cares for you. He's a gentleman, he's respectful, fun to be around- I mean what teenage boy lets three little girls dress him up and put make up on them and play tea party without anyone encouraging him too. You're mother and I have been watching him closely and honestly....we like him a lot. Even if he's just a friend, Hermione- he's a good one. So whether you do or don't have feelings for him- you and Draco are a good pair. Ron has a lot of growing up to do. If he plans on making your relationship go farther- he has to step up and prove himself. It irks me how he treats and talks to you sometimes. I understand how he feels about Draco- it's not easy watching your girlfriend hang out with other guys- but even without the whole Draco thing- he still has to prove he's worth your time and right now baby girl- I don't think he is. But I'm not saying anything. This is all for you to figure out."

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