Part 30: A Little Encouragement

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"Well Mr. Malfoy? I'm waiting."

"Professor...I was only trying to check on Hermione. She...she experienced something Friday and has been rather hurt and upset about it. I just wanted to make sure she was okay, but she won't come down to see me and she's been missing classes." He says truthfully and Minerva observes the child for a few moments.

"How has Miss. Granger been hurt and if she is- why has she not visited The hospital wing?"

"Well...because...well it's one of those things that...that people may feel embarrassed about or feel like no one will understand.'s hard to explain."

"Well you better try Mr. Malfoy. If Miss. Granger is in serious trouble- I need to know."

Do I tell her?

Then Blaise will get in massive trouble.

He'll be expelled.

"She was...well she was walking alone in the dark- going back to her common room, when someone...molested her- Professor. She didn't say who...all I know is that I asked Ginny what happened and that's what she said." The Professor's eyes grow wide and she looks directly in Draco's eyes and searches for the truth. "I just wanted to make sure she was alright."

"Why was this not reported?"

"Like I said- she didn't see who and she's embarrassed- but upset. I thought if I talked to her that it may help her a bit...but she won't come down and I can't go up." Flashing her his innocent silver eyes, she inwardly sighs and gestures for the fat lady to open up.

"You may go up...this once. Don't make me regret it Mr. Malfoy." Nodding, he enters the the Common Room and makes his way upstairs. He's so nervous. He heard the rumors that the stairs turn into slides if a boy even attempts to go up into the girl's dormitory. However, he's made it all the way up and it hasn't send him sliding back yet. Walking to the door, he knocks before entering. When he takes a step in- he finds the girls' room to be very tidy and elegantly decorated. He spots her laying in bed- staring out the window at the grey snowing sky. Slowly walking over to her, he clears his throat and kneels down on the floor near her face. She looks at him and he notices her lip quiver and her eyes red and puffy from crying.

"Hi..." He quietly says- a very small smile comes to his lips as he pushes a strand of her unruly hair out of her face.

"How'd you get up here?" Her nose is stuffy and congested and she really does look defeated and small.

"I have my ways."

"McGonagall let you up...didn't she?" He smirks and nods.

"Yeah..." Finding her hand just below her chin on the mattress, Draco gently takes it in his and rubs his thumb over the top of it. "I've been a real prat lately."

"Yeah..." She sniffs back her tears and he just holds her hand and smiles warmly at her.

"Blaise told me everything...after I...well...I wasn't very nice to him."

"I...I didn't know he was going...going to do that..."

"Shhh...I know. I know. He feels horrible and he should. He said it was a last minute idea because he didn't have another plan for you. He regrets it." He doesn't like making excuses for Blaise- he shouldn't, but he also wants her to know that it wasn't entirely intentional. "I shouldn't have been so careless that night. I'm sorry."

Looking at him, she feels his sincerity and for the first time in a long time, she feels she's finally getting what she deserves.

"I just you..." She quietly sobs and his chest tightens.

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