Part 19: What's In An Apology?

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"Hello, Dear." Lydia says as she comes up- giving him a big hug. "Happy Christmas."

"Happy Christmas." He quietly says and all three girls give him a big hug- followed by Aunt Evelyn.

They slowly usher him towards the living room, where Hermione is sitting- very upset on the couch. When she sees him- she immediately stands and all go quiet.

"Let's give them some space." Paul says, but the women don't move. "Now, ladies."

Grumbling they follow orders and go to the den while Draco stares down and away from Hermione- who is in a red sweater with an H on it- the Gryffindor colors paling her complexion.

"Stupid Night Bus brought me back." He grumbles- his attitude going from shy and sweet to dark and angered. Hermione says nothing and just tries to focus so not to start crying hard again. "I'm only here because you're family is too kind...and I have nowhere else to go."

When she says nothing- he becomes angry, like the old Draco would have.

"Aren't you going to bloody say something?!" It echoes and no doubt the whole house heard. "Aren't you going to cry?!"

"No...Draco..." She quietly says with the tears getting bigger.

"I wanted you! Unconditionally! And you broke my small black heart!"

"Yes...Draco..." Seeing her getting more upset his body slightly softens and he can feel the tension slowly releasing.

"I never wanted know." His words catch her off guard and she now looks at him. "I never wanted to be your friend. But somehow it happened. I never wanted to care for you- the way I do. But that happened as well."

Closing her eyes, she sighs- knowing he is just going to leave her broken and upset. When she opens them again, he is right in front of her with a short gap between them.

"I never wanted to fall madly in love with you..." Her eyes shoot up to his and she searches his eyes. Placing one hand on the small of her back and the other cupping her face gently in his hand.

"But I bloody went and did it anyway." When he says this- her eyebrows rise to steep peaks and seems so confused. It isn't until he slowly brings their faces close to meet his lips to hers. She melts against his kiss- her hand gripping the bottom of his shirt. The gap between them is nonexistent now and they slowly explore each other's mouths... briefly.

That is until they're interrupted by retching.

"What the bloody Hell are you doing!!??" Pulling apart- they find Ron standing in the hallway with flowers in his one hand and his fist in the other.

"Ron..." That's all she can say before Ron throws the flowers down and tackles Draco onto the floor. The tall lanky blonde, grips Ron's jumper and extends his arms to push him off. "Stop it!"

Her parents and Aunt come in and the girls stand beside them as Ron pounds away at Draco's face- blood dripping from his nose and lip.

"That's enough!" Hermione grabs at Ron to pull him off, but he elbows her- on purpose- which everyone catches and now instead of just trying to hold him back, Draco finds his whole strength and flips the script. He manages to get his feet in between himself and Ron's stomach and he more or less rocket launches him across the room a bit and gets up.

"You alright? You okay?" Draco asks Hermione and she nods. Getting up, Ron pulls Draco by his hair and drags him away from Hermione.

"That's my girlfriend!" He yells and begins punching him right in the kidney- but Draco quickly turns around, sees red and goes to town.

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