Part 20: A Gift

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After breakfast- which was in between awkward and humorous- mostly due to the fact that Paul kept "glaring" at Draco as a sign of don't touch my daughter- they all retire to the living room for gifts.

Now Draco wasn't expecting anything at all. He wasn't their family and he sprung his visit on them last minute- so when most of the gifts were passed out and he received seven- he was a bit confused.

"I can't...I didn't get anyone else presents." He stammers and they all softly smile and say nothing. They go around- and each getting a turn to open all their gifts- seven each- the girls mostly got clothes and toys. Aunt Evelyn received kitchen utensils, a shawl or two and a few books. Lydia got a lot of craft supplies and a movie about some war. Paul got tools and puzzle books. Hermione got- obviously books- a beautiful pashmina sweater that was mint green and had gold little starts on it and she opened the last presents which was the snowman figure Draco made- perfectly pieced back together and made like new. Leaning over, she pecks Draco on the cheek and thanks him- which catches Paul's attention.

"Eh, eh- we'll have none of that." Everyone laughs and Draco reddens out of embarrassment.

"You're turn, Dear." Lydia sweetly says and Draco grabs the first gift. It was from Emilea and it was a plastic Tiara with a green gem in the middle. Everyone laughs as Draco puts it on his head and makes some funny faces.

From Olivia he received a clay figure of a flower- beautifully painted pink and yellow. Katie got him a nursery rhyme book- which most he's never heard of considering they were all Muggle's. Aunt Evelyn gave him a knit hat that covered his ears and had a cute little design of white deer in a green forest and a set of matching mittens. Paul gave him a book on fishing- having old him that he never went fishing before and would like to try it some time. Opening Lydia's gift, he finds a super soft forest green sweater inside and his smile widens at how beautifully crafted it is. Lastly, Hermione's gift.

Taking the small box and removing the wrapper, he finds a small silver medical pendant on a chain and a note.

You can do anything because you are intelligent, courageous, caring, funny, and loved. I believe in you and will always be by your side.


Leaning over, he gives her a hug and she whispers in his ear.

"I'm sorry it's lame." She sighs and Draco squeezes her close.

"It's not. I love it. Truly."

"That's long enough." Paul says and Lydia hits him.

"Will you stop!" She scolds him and he sighs with a chuckle.

Cleaning up the wrappings and putting their gifts away, Hermione goes upstairs to find Draco staring at the necklace in the box. She observes him for a while- unbeknownst to him- and watches his smile get bigger and bigger before it softens and he puts it on1 tucking the pendant inside his shirt. Knocking on the frame of the door- she catches his attention and walks across the floor to him. As looks up at him, she's about to say something when Paul calls from the bottom of the stairs.

"That door better stay open!!"

"It is!" Hermione yells back. Shaking her head, she looks up at him and gently touch the left side of his cheek- making sure not to touch his bruise. "I wish I would have got you something better."

"No, Hermione- I love it. I think it's the best gift I ever received...besides my tiara of course." He jokes and they laugh. "Kidding...I do love it though. It's better than what I got you."

"Absolutely not! I love it. It fits in perfectly with my collection." Taking his hand, she leads him across the hall and cracks the door almost shut and points to her shelf of snowmen figures- his right next to the one her grandfather got her. "I was just glad I could fix it. It's the best present because you put your effort into it. Mine...huh...mine just came from a shop."

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