Part 10: Holiday With The Grangers...And A Dick

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Getting to the car, Draco puts the luggage in the boot and as Mrs. Granger goes to get in the car, he opens the door for her.

"Why thank you, Draco."

"No, problem, Mrs. Granger." As Hermione is about to open her door to sit right behind her Mom, Draco opens her door as well and she can't help but blush as she slides in. Ron, already being seated in the back, looks up as his blushing girlfriend and then at Draco, who smiles and shuts the door.

"He's an absolute gentleman."

"Haha, I think he's doesn't think you know who he he's trying to have make good impression." Hermione says before Draco gets in the front seat and buckles up. "Ever been in a Muggle car, Draco?"

"I' it anything like a wizard's car?" He nervously asks.

" doesn't fly or turn invisible- so yes and no."

"Oh...then no." He comments and looks in the rear view mirror at Hermione, who can't help but smirk. When his eyes catch Ron's he can feel the anger flowing through them. "How have you been Weasley?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." He bites and Hermione pushes him slightly. "What? Are we really just going to pretend he's actually a good person? It's a front."

"That's enough, Ronald." Hermione bites and Draco simply ignores the stupid red haired git and looks out the window as Mrs. Granger drives. "So, Mum, is Uncle Byron coming as well or just the kids?"

"I'm afraid your Uncle is still in Afghanistan helping the Americans."

"Aw, that's too bad. I bet the girls are taking it hard."

"Yes...well they're just excited to get to see their favorite cousin."

"How old are your cousin's Hermione?" Draco asks and Hermione smiles a bit as she sees her mother beaming and making another mental not in her mind about things to discuss when they are alone.

"Emilea is 10, Katie is 7, and Olivia is 5. Aunt Evelyn and Uncle Byron live in Paris- so we don't get to see them too often." Hermione looks down at Ron clasping her her right hand as his right scrolls through texts on his Motorola. "Mum, about sleeping arrangements..."

"Your father has already determined who's sleeping where."

"Yes, but now we have one more guest..."

"And Draco will be comfortable in the spare bedroom, I'm sure." Ron looks up at this comment and then at Hermione.

"And Ron?" She asks her mother- who peers up in the mirror at them both.

"He will be down stairs in the den on the pullout. You will be upstairs in your room. End of discussion." Ron quietly grumbles under his breath and Hermione catches Draco's small smirk at this revelation.

"Bet you like that ferret." Hermione teases and Draco shrugs- humored that she won't get any chance of shagging her arsehole of a boyfriend while she's home on break.

"I didn't say anything Granger. I'm just taking in Muggle London."

"Remember- no Muggle this or that while your cousins are here. They are unaware of Magic and..."

"Yes, Mum- we know."

"Hermione, you shouldn't roll your eyes at your mother- it's disrespectful." Draco calls her out on it and her mouth gapes- he didn't even turn around and look at her and he knew she rolled her eyes. Reaching up, she smacks the back of his head.

"Don't you dare hit him, Hermione Jean. He's right. You shouldn't roll your eyes at your mother- it's disrespectful." Her mother repeats and Hermione jokingly grumbles under her breath.

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