Part 16: Wake Me Up

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She went everywhere significant to Draco...well- those places she knew at least. She went to Hogsmeade, Diagon Alley, Kings Cross, his Manor. No one has seen him and the more time that passes the more worried she becomes.

Walking around the shrubbery on the outside gates of Draco's Manor, she can't help but feel off. It has nothing to do with being back her after everything that happened to her and more so the eerie feeling that she's not alone.

Looking around, the tall shrubs that fence off the outside world from the massive estate, Hermione realizes that Draco has to be here.


She just doesn't know where.

As she's coming around the massive shrub wall, she pauses when she finds a hospital slipper stuck in the snow. Hustling around the corner, she finds nearly 20 little Puffskeins all over Draco- who more or less seems passed out in the snow. Getting closer to the Golden-crime colored little puffs of hair, she finds that they seem to be keeping Draco warm, while one sticks it's long tongue up the poor boys nose to eat his bogeys.

"Draco?! Draco, wake up." She gently shakes him and all the little Puffs hum in delight. "Draco..."

One puff decides to help and sticks it's tongue in his ear- which immediately pulls him out of his frozen slumber.

"Where am...ah!!!" He screams from freight. All the little puffskeins get off of him and hum while circling him.

"Are you alright?! What happened?!" Kneeling in the snow beside him- she removes her winter jacket and wraps it around him.

"I...I don't know. I took you home and tried to go back to the hospital, but I ended up here and just...passed out."

"You over worked yourself. You're lucky these little guys came and kept you warm or you would have froze to death." She wraps her arms around him and presses her flat hand against his back- bringing him closer to her. "I'm just glad you're okay. We were all so worried about you. I've been everywhere looking for you- and I was so scared I would never find you."

They sit there in the snow for a while- just silently shivering against each other- wondering if they should speak about last night or not. Both worried what the other would say or think if they spoke their honest truths. It isn't until the Puffskeins start circling and climbing them that they pull away.

"Thank you." Draco says to the little creatures. Fluffing their already crazy hair, they move about him and just seem as if they've grown attached to the odd creature they found in the cold last night.

"Aw, I think you belong to them now."

"Well, they stuck their tongues in my nose and ear so...I guess licking things to claim them as your own is how Puffskeins get what they want." Draco says with a slight shake going through his body. Hermione smiles and begins to stand up, causing the Puffskeins to disperse from her shoulders and head. Draco rises with her and she holds his hands for stability. "Imagine if that's how the world worked, haha."

He jokes and Hermione just smiles and leans forward.

"What...uh...what are you doing?" He nervously asks. Smirking, she goes to his cheek and pokes her tongue to it. "Did...did you just lick me?"

"I claimed you as my now you won't get the idea that you need to leave me." It wasn't a full on confession, but it was a start. Smirking, he pulls her close and bravely licks her forehead. "Haha, well then. We should get home."

Holding onto his arm, she aparates them back home and they appear in her living room. Her parents, aunt and the girls come in from the kitchen and Hermione tucks her wand into her back pocket and pulls her shirt down over it.

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