Part 24: The Best And Worst Of You

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It terrified her- seeing him that way.

Seeing the pain and the inability to quell it in his chest...She was certain his heart would stop again. If the Draught didn't kick in as fast as it did- he probably would have gone into cardiac arrest.

She wishes she never went down to the dungeons. She wasn't thinking clearly- obviously.

He was just minding his own business...with an attitude, but regardless. She attacked him and nearly took his life due to anger. An anger that usually crops up with the disappointment from the men she's in love with.

Sitting in Muggle Studies today, Hermione mindlessly twirls her quill in her fingers as the Professor goes on and on about the 1930's typewriter and how it differs from today's Windows 97 Computer.

She could careless.

Her parents have that computer and frankly it's nothing to write home about. It's big, bulky, and takes five hours to not only start any program you want but to get on the internet is like trying to work your way through a Devil's Snare: just isn't worth it.

"Miss Granger?"


"I dismissed everyone. Class is over."

"Oh, sorry." Gathering her things, she rushes from the classroom and mindlessly wanders- though she's supposed to be going to Ancient Runes- she can hardly tell where her feet are taking her. Her mind is so foggy and she can't seem to pull herself from it.

"Hermione? Are you okay?" Blaise is standing in front of her, hands on her shoulders and his bent knees try to bring him eye level to hers.


"Are you okay? Aren't you supposed to be going to Ancient Runes?" He asks and she looks at him confused. "Come on."

Leading her to Ancient Runes, he walks with an arm around hers and take a few side glances at her as they go.

Something is definitely wrong with her today.

He has a good enough theory as to why, but he knows no one will talk to him about it.

"Have you seen Draco today?" She shakes her head and just keeps staring forward.

"Well, he looks a bit better than yesterday. Pomphry made him some more calming Draught for him. He asked about you." Stopping in her tracks- he nearly tugs her along before quickly realizing she wasn't following him.

"He did?"

"Yeah...asked if you were alright- he figured it all probably scared you and is bothering you." He says and Hermione sighs and closes her eyes.

"Did he say anything else?"

"Only that he wanted me to check on you." Blaise has known for the last two weeks that something was going on between Granger and Draco. He loved seeing his best Mate being friendly and spontaneous and fun. He loved that he smiled and joked and wasn't crass or crude like he used to be. The only feasible reason behind it would have had to be Hermione's influence over him. She made him a better person and though day in and day out he goes to Draco asking what happened- he never receives more than a 'go away', 'mind your own business', or his favorite 'fuck you Blaise'.

So he took civil liberties to start poking around both bushes- in hopes of learning just why they had a falling out. A teeny little lie never hurt anyone- right?


"May I ask?"

"Ask what?" She looks at him.

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