"Cheers" we celebrate as we dance with our glasses, taking occasional sips. That night, we barely slept as we danced the night away, celebrating.

I don't even remember when I went to sleep but I woke up feeling immensely happy, knowing my sister is awake.

"I'm gonna go visit my sister" I tell Lucas as I poke him, causing him to slightly stir awake.

"Wait wait" Lucas groans, trying to sit upright.
"Yeah?" I ask before I could walk away.
"I need to tell you something" Lucas struggles to speak as he holds his hand to his forehead.

"I'll shower while you wake up" I say. The shower feels amazing. It's so warm that I could fall asleep. I get ready for the day, doing my hair and makeup for once.

"It feels great to be clean again" I grin as I sit on the sofa. Lucas is still struggling to stay awake.

"I need to talk with you" Lucas says.
"I know. I should've told you that I was leaving again but-" I start but he interrupts.
"That's not what I'm talking about" he shakes his head, already regretting it.

"Then what?"
"Well, since you've been arrested, your friends have been trying to track me down" he says.

"For what?" I ask.
"They're working on a court case for your release and I assume they want information on you. What the hell must I tell them? They think you're arrested for the ice-cream thing" he says, looking concerned. I'm a bit taken aback by the information. I didn't think they would actually try to help me...

I thought they would hate me.

"I am. They don't have proof that I've done anything wrong" I stubbornly say.
"Problem is, you have" he says.

"So you're saying I belong in prison" I get defensive as I cross my arms.
"That's not what I'm saying. I'm trying to tell you that I'm not going to fabricate a whole life story for you. They are trying to help you and lying to them will only make it worse" Lucas says and I bite my cheek.

"I'm gonna go visit my sister" I say as I stand up.
"Let me come with" Lucas says as he stands up but sits back down, clutching his head.

"In a minute or so" he adds on, falling back into his seat.

Lucas gasps the moment he enters her room. She's still awake.

"Irene" Lucas says with a huge smile, walking to her bed.

She blinks a couple times and slightly taps the metal side of the bed

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She blinks a couple times and slightly taps the metal side of the bed. I smile at her progress.

"Excited to see him again?" I ask. She continues to tap.
"Great progress" Lucas says. We sit down and chat with Irene-or rather trying to communicate. She continues to blink and tap.

She doesn't seem responsive at the moment.

"You can't expect her to be one hundred percent instantly. It's a miracle she even woke up" the doctor tells me. I nod. I should already be grateful that she's awake.

"Expect her to have a younger state of mind" the doctor adds on.
"Right" I say.

A week goes by and she's making noises. She can move all her fingers and toes. And she can somewhat lift her arm and leg.

We are eventually at the stage where she is learning to walk again. She's talking once again with a slight lisp but she talks just like a seven year old...in front of others.

Lucas leaves for the bathroom so I finally have a moment alone with her. I hold her hands in mine, looking her dead in the eyes.

"Do you remember what happened?" I ask.
"What happened?" She asks, tilting her head.

"The last day you remember before you woke up" I say.
"And you can drop the whole seven year old act" I add on and she looks around the room uncomfortably.

"What do you mean, big sis?" She plays the dumb card.

"How much do you know?" I ask as I lean into her face, still holding her hands. She looks me in the eyes.
"Fine" she huffs out.

"I remember everything. The house was under attack. I was shot and then lights out. Then I couldn't see anything. I couldn't move anything but I could still hear everything while I was unconscious" she says and my eyes widen.

"Really?" I ask and she slightly nods. She slips her hands out of mine.

"Did you tell the doctor?" I ask.
"I don't think he'll believe me...and what does it matter now?" She asks, facing forward again, leaning back in her pillow.

"I was really scared at first. It's so scary when you can't move your own body no matter how much you want to" she says, looking sad. She rolls her head to look at me.

"How did you know I was pretending?" She asks.
"I'm really good at it" I deadpan and she smiles, laughing slightly.

"You're just like dad" she laughs to herself.
"Oh yeah-he kind of...died" I say. I don't exactly know how to put it.

"I know. I heard you, remember" she says.
"Why did you pretend you were still seven?" I ask.

"I mean-at first it was real. I had to get used to everything again but at some point, it just came running back to me. I didn't know how to act in front of you anymore" she says, looking away. I lunge in for a hug. She gasps at my action and with shaky arms, she hugs me back.

"I'm just so glad you're awake, seriously" I say, retracting from my hug.

"Me too...Weren't you supposed to be in jail?" She asks and I look away, rubbing my neck, awkwardly laughing.
"Yeah...but once I heard you were awake, I had to come back" I say.

"Psh, how'd you even get caught?" She asks, unimpressed.
"Oh yeah-you handed yourself in, you idiot" she says, rolling her eyes.

"Super uncool" she mutters. I slightly laugh as I ruffle her hair.

(I do not own the video and picture.)

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