Madison is standing against the wall trying her hardest not to meet anyone's eyes. Perhaps she does have some remorse for her actions though highly doubtful. She's probably worried about losing her job and no longer having access to Dimitri. Usually I don't wish ill on people, but I wouldn't mind her no longer being here.

Dimitri leads me to the couch and sits down next to me. "Aubree you may want to sit down," he encourages her.

Hesitantly Aubree gracefully takes a seat in the chair facing us, "Dimitri you're starting to worry me."

Dimitri launches into the story of what occurred in our hotel room. The more he speaks the redder Aubree's face becomes. Once he's finished she sits there in silence for a moment and you can watch the wheels turning in her head. Her eyes take on a devilish glint that compels me to hide behind Dimitri. I don't want to have to be called into court to be a witness for whatever is about to happen. But all of a sudden an eerie calmness comes over her reminding me of the calm in a storm right before the tornado blows through. This is not going to end well for Madison.

Aubree adjusts herself so she can pin her gaze on Madison and I gleefully watch has Madison squirms under it. "What the hell where you thinking? At what point did this hairbrained idea filter through your head? When did you think this would be okay? Or are you just that stupid?"

Madison stands taller when addressing Aubree, "at the beginning of the tour I over heard the guys discussing how one of them would always hook up with your assistants. They were talking about who's turn it was this time and they said it was Dimitri's." Her eyes dreamily stare at Dimitri. I try to catch Dimitri's eyes, but he was looking everywhere except me. Interesting. I file this away to confront him later about it.

She continues to dig the hole she had started digging earlier, "which was fine with me I've always found him to be the most attractive of the group. So I tired every trick I knew to get his attention and finally one night he kissed me. I figured finally I will be able to get him into my bed, but after he went back to basically ignoring me." 

Her eyes shoot over to me and a shiver runs down my spine at the amount of hatred I see in them. I scoot closer to Dimitri. "Then I overheard him on the phone with her and all the changes being made to the tour started to make sense, but when you flew back to Chicago I knew something was happening."

Aubree closes her eyes and rubs her forehead, "I understand all that, but what I don't understand is why go to their room for a nonwork related matter. That is a blatant breach of contract."

"Figured I would try again. I got him to kiss me once I could do so again." She says with no remorse.

"Obviously Dimitri and Skylar are dating," Aubree says with wariness. 

"So. The others have been in relationships and still messed around with other girls. Dimitri included." Madison is really starting to get on my nerves. My foot starts to tap loudly against the floor. Dimitri places his hand on my knee trying to get me to stop. Of course I already knew about his transgressions we had had more then one lengthy conversation about it. But she didn't know that I already knew that and was trying to cause a rift between us. Good luck bitch. 

"Yes I fucked around in the past, but at some point people grow up Madison." He says her name with such distain. "Skylar is my end game. Truthfully she always has been. I was just too stubborn and immature to realize it." His eyes drift to me and I squeeze his hand on my knee. "I love her with my entire being. As corny as it may sound she is my soulmate." Dimitri's eyes shine with such love I melt on the spot. 

Madison rolls her eyes, "that is such bullshit. There is no such thing as a soulmate." She uses air quotes when she says soulmate. "You wanted me before and I guarantee a part of you still does. Only reason you didn't jump me then was because you where with her."

"My name is Skylar," I interject because I'm tired of being called her. 

"Whatever Skylar," she sneers.

Dimitri stands and points his finger at Madison, "I want her gone Aubree."

"Sit down Dimitri." Aubree commands him. He aims one more glare at Madison before he complies. "You know I can't just let her go in the middle of the tour especially since I have no-one to replace her."

"Then find a replacement," he demands.

Aubree folds her hands together, "here's the deal. I will semi seek a replacement as a back up and as long as I have someone in the background if something else happens I will let her go."

Dimitri shakes his head, "no Aubree. That's not good enough. If she interferes with my life and Skylar's outside of her job description I want her gone. Regardless if you have someone or not." His gaze falls squarely on Madison. "Know this the only reason I'm not pushing for your immediate dismissal is because I don't want to add more work to Aubree's already full plate. But you are on borrowed time. Do. Not. Forget. That."

Aubree nods her head, "your terms are fair. If something else happens no matter how slight it might seem I will personally fire her."

"Can I make one request as well," I ask softly.

"Of course," Dimitri and Aubree both say.

"Due to what happened I would feel better if Madison is no longer given a key to any room we are staying in. I also think the guys should be allowed to make their own decision about her having a key to their rooms. If she needs something she can call our room." Dimitri nods his head in agreement.

"Absolutely. Also Madison, for the time being you are also not allowed on the guys bus. Once you can show me you can act professionally I'll allow you back on their bus. If you need something from them you can wait outside the door." Thank you Aubree I completely forgot after tomorrow night we will be on a couch bus traveling to the next city. Wonder where we are going next. I need to remember to ask Dimitri.

"But..but..," Madison stutters.

Aubree hold up her hand silencing her, "my mind will not be changed. My job is to make sure then band is protected at all time even if its my assistant I'm protecting them from. I'm sure you can gather your request to remain as my assistant has been denied. Once this tour is over I will no longer be needing your services." 

I want to jump up from seat with glee instead I sit there gloating. Madison's days are numbered. But what's to say someone else wont come along and try to steal him my inner voice says. Then I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Hopefully Dimitri's and my relationship will be even more ironclad then it already is if that was to ever happen.

Dimitri stands pulling me with him. He tucks my hand in his own, "now Skylar and I have some unfished business that has been pushed off long enough."

Without waiting for Aubree's response he tugs me out the door and practically runs down the hall dragging me behind him.    


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