Chapter eight

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The next morning I woke up to the sound of things frying and soon after the smell of fresh fruits, pancakes, and food came to me. I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them. I looked and saw that Liam wasn't next to me, the sun fully raised, Xavier wasn't here too. The twins weren't here too. But tanner, he had his arms around my waist and I quickly say up and pushed his arms off me. I calmed after I realized he was just asleep.

"Thank god I thought he tried killing me." I say to myself. I look at the coffee table that got moved and saw that thee was an empty pizza box on the table. What? They are pizza without me? Aww man...

I stretched and got up, I peeked into the kitchen, I saw the rest of them in the kitchen, Liam and Caleb were cooking, while Xavier and Chris were sitting on the island talking. I gasped and rushed up the stairs towards my bathroom and did my morning hygiene. I redid my messy bun and ran back downstairs, skipping steps along the way.

I walked into the kitchen and they looked at me. I looked at Liam, he smiled. "Goodmorning." I half smiled back. "Goodmorning." I say rubbing my left arm and sit at the dining table. It was quiet for a moment until I remembered the pizza they had. "You guys, had pizza without me?" I questioned. Caleb chuckled. "Yes, without you." He said pouring himself a drink. "It would be nice to share!" I whined. "I didn't know you liked pizza." Xavier says. "Yeah, I'm a girl, girls love pizza, plus, who doesn't." I chuckled at him.

"I'll make sure to order one next time then!" Liam laughs while cooking. "That's okay, I hope the food you're cooking is better." I smirked. He lifted both his eyebrows up and looked at me. "You bet it is." He smiled half heartedly at me.

After we all are, and tanner woke up, we sat in the living room, awkwardly, not knowing what to do next. "We could go know...because isn't that what girls love to do?" Liam tried to lighten the mood. I laughed. "Maybe the girls you know, but I don't like shooing. I get so tired." I groaned at the end. I heard sighs of relief. "I'd rather stay home on the hottest days, and lay in bed with the AC on blast, music booming, and maybe playing xbox. Nothing more, nothing less." I say comfortable with them.

"We should go to the beach!" Tanner cheered. I shrugged. "I've never been to the beach sine my dad died." I quietly say. It was quiet for a moment. "Well, nows the day!" Liam cheered on. "I-I haven't even worn a bikini...I don't even know how my body looks like in it. Let alone swim!" I say. "Oh well, were still going." Liam says and give me a reassuring smile. I roll my eyes. "Fine." I say and they cheered. "We'll pick you up around 10!" Liam shouted before closing the front door and leaving.

Okay, now to I ally want the bikini my mom got me on one of her business trips.

I opened the box and brung out a maroon colored two piece bikini, the top part having some details. And paired it with denim shorts, a black loose shirt, knotted at the bottom, with sunglasses, a hat, and a pair of slippers.

I looked at my clock and saw it was 9:27 am. I had a few minutes to get ready. That's okay. I went into the bathroom and combed my hair down, that's pretty much all I needed to do. I put the outfit on and started packing necessary things.

"Oh no! Sun screen! Dammit." I say. I didn't want to get a sunburn because it hurts. A lot. Oh wait, my mom has some. I sometimes wonder what my mom does on her business trips.

A horn beeped outside of my house and I knew it was Liam and the guys.

I quickly grabbed my bag and ran downstairs, I opened my door and locked It, making sure I have my keys. I walked towards the truck and saw that there was no space in the truck, because it was two doors. Xavier was in the drivers seat, and the rest of them were in the back. "Sit in the passanger seat." Liam said giving my a reassuring smile. I smiled back.

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