Chapter six

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(Music: I've told you now -Sam smith. (It was the song I was listening to when I was writing this XD)

*Alana's POV*

I went to the hospital after I had stabbed myself. What was I thinking?! I'm so stupid! I don't even think I wanted to die. But I'm glad they didn't leave me there. But I saw Xavier leave. Of course, he's a pathetic asshole.

I'm in my hospital room, I turn to my left and see that Liam hasn't even left yet. He's been here since I stabbed myself, the other left. I stared at him as he stared intently at something else. Until he turned to me, I tried looking away but I couldn't. My body hurts so bad. "You're awake." He said standing up and pulling a chair up next to me. Thats when I turned away. "Who cares." I whispered, I couldn't talk very loudly, my throat was so dry. "I do." I ignored him and decided to change the subject. "How long have I been in here?" I asked. "Well a whole day, they said you'll probably get out in like three days." Liam said as the doctor walked in. "Oh good you're awake, we are just about to notify your mother about th-" my eyes widened. "No! Don't..." I say as the doctor stood there looking a me.

"But we have to, she's your parent." The doctor says to me. "I'm gonna be out of here in like three days anyways, plus she's on a business trip. I'll be fine I'm sure." I told him. "You know, if that knife had gone one more centimeter into your abdomen, you wouldn't survive." The doctor told me. "Aren't I lucky." I said and turned towards Liam. I heard the doctor leave and he half smiled at me. It was quiet for a moment, except the machines constantly making sounds next to me. "Xavier came to see you earlier when you were asleep." Liam said not taking his eyes off me. "He probably wanted to hit me." I said. "Actually, no, he was crying, he was saying something about I'm sorry, but then he got mad and left." I stayed frozen. My biggest bully, my fear, said sorry to me? This must be a mistake. I scoffed, "liked he's ever sorry." I rolled my eyes.

Liam sighed, "I think were all changing." He said. "Mhm." I shortly replied. "I mean, I'm here with you, Xavier actually said sorry for the first time, tanner and the twins and I were the ones who helped you when you stabbed yourself, we couldn't leave you there." He told me. "That doesn't make much of a difference...I still hate you guys.

My eyes began drifting away, I was so tired. And I just woke up not to long ago. I turned to the other side away from Liam, my red began closing. "Alana I-" he cut himself off as I let my eyes close completely, away from this mess.

Its my last day here, as I lay awake, Liam is here, although I can tell he went home a few times because his clothes had been changed. I'm glad to get out of here. Never again am I doing that. I hated it. I sat up, the bed supporting me, and I stare blankly at my hands. Liam was asleep on the couch. But what the doctor said, if it had only gone a few more centimeters, I would've died...and that last glimpse of Liam, would've been the last thing i seen.

A few moments later, xavier, tanner, and the twins walked in. I got scared, Liam was asleep and they stood there looking at me. It was a room full of boys. "She's awake." I heard tanner say. "Yeah, I can see that genius." Xavier said. I saw tanner roll his eyes.

"If you're here to beat me up, go ahead." I said in a whisper, because again, my throat was dry. And it was groggy. Xavier walked beside me and I scooted away. "I'm not going to hurt you..." Xavier said. "I don't know that." I said turning away, looking at Liam. Wake up Liam! The rest of them sat on the couch, so I looked forward, towards the bathroom door. It was slightly open...

Everything went dim, what was happening? How? I looked around and everything was gone, it was just me and the bed. Scared, I sat straight up, it didn't hurt. And I wasn't in my hospital gown, one as in my regular clothes. After moments of being scared, Xavier stormed in with the rest of them. Angry. Xavier rushed over to me and slapped my hard across the face. "Stop!" I tried saying but my voice was gone too. They laughed. Tanner hit me, then the twins pulled me to the floor and they started kicking me. Then Liam came and they stopped beating me. He looked angry, more angry than I've ever seen him. He pulled his hand back and was about to punch me...I screamed.

I woke up, thrashing around in my hospital bed. A pair of arms wrapped around me holding me still. I didn't care who it was, I was so terrified. My nightmare. I was breathing heavily, and looked around, everything was back to normal. "Alana calm down, it was just a nightmare." I heard someone's voice. I looked at who was holding me, it was Xavier. Was he in my bed the whole time? Talk about ew!

I pushed him off me and stood up, it doesn't hurt much, but there's a small sting. "Get off of me!" I yelled. Everyone was awake and stared at me. I faced Xavier. I'm not even sure in really mad at him, it was a nightmare. "It was just a nightmare." I said closing my eyes and tried calming down.

"Uh, Alana?" Liam said from behind me. "What!" I turned to him. "Your bottom was showing." I blushed. I forgot these hospital gowns could show my bottom! Curse these gowns! "Stop staring." I said immediately siting back down on my bed as Xavier got off and walked over to where the couch was. "I'm really sorry Alana." Xavier started saying. "I don't want to hear it." I said playing with my hands as if they were interesting.

"How you feeling though?" Liam asked. I rolled my eyes and looked away. "As if anyone cares." I said. Xavier sighed, obviously annoyed. "Can't you see we care now! We care for you Alana! How much does it have to take for you to forgive us?!" Xavier said pacing around the room. "Now you care for me...pfft okay. And what you could do is probably kill yourselves. That's what you tell me everyday anyways." I said in some kind of dad but regular tone. "Alana..."Liam started talking but didn't have words to talk more. "Get out already." I said crossing my arms. After moments, they left. Liam was the last one to leave. "I'll pick you up and take you home. Just call me." Liam said touching my shoulder and I brushed it off. He sighed, and walked out with the rest of them.

That's when I started to cry. Balled up, my tears flowing onto the gown. This is all to much. First they hate me, now they care for me? Is this some kind of sick joke to them? Ugh!

"I want to go home now." I said to Liam on the phone as I hung up. After a while of being in the hospital, I decided to go home. I wanted to be alone though.

I waited outside of the hospital as his car pulled up. I got into the back seat. "Why aren't you sitting in the front?" He asked but I was in no mood to talk to him. Or anyone actually. "There's this dance coming up." I hear him say. I look at his eyes, well actually the rear view mirror...he was already staring so I turned away. "I was hoping you'd want to come..." He trailed off. "With me?" He asked. I ignored him. "I'll take that as an 'I'll tell you when I want to' answer.

We arrived at the front of my house and I immediately got out, and unlocking the door, shutting it shortly after I got in and locked it. This place still feels empty. Memories, that's all I get when I'm in here.

"Is he serious?" I whispered to myself as I sat on my bed. "He wants to ask me to the dance?" Ugh! It would be nice to have a friend that's a girl help me on this! But no! They won't let me. Am I even going to the dance? Maybe. Maybe not. I'm not sure. It's this Friday, I have two days to decide.

If I do go, I do not want to be going with anyone. Just me myself and a always. But I go, I can wear something sexy! And show boys what I've got! Sexy mode on right here. Actually, more determined mode on. I'll go to the dance. I just need something cute yet sexy to wear. But of course, not have anyone going down my pants. "That's disgusting." I said to myself. Again! Another situation where a girl friend could come in handy! I'm doomed.

The next morning, I grabbed some money out of my drawer-the one my mom left me to feed myself. I got into my car and drove off to the mall.

I shopped around for hours! I mean, it's a dance, a lot of girls are going to be wearing these amazing dresses, I don't even want to wear anything sparkly...I don't like sparkles on clothes. So I went simple. I went to forever 21 and found the perfect dress. A black, body-con dress, matched with black heels. It's like I'm going to a funeral but hey, I like the color black, my favorite color next to blue.

After I paid for my things I went back home. One day until the dance. I was suppose to go to school today, but I was stabbed in the stomach, what's you expect? I should even be out. But I had to get a dress.

I sighed laying on my bed, everyone is at school, while I'm stuck at home doing nothing until tomorrow until have to go school again.

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