Chapter 16

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As I was packing I couldn't help but think about our last time together. "Just pack the things you need, I'll take care of the house, sell it." My sister vivian said and I nodded.

After packing my room I put my boxes into my truck. I'm driving to New York. It's going to be a long drive, and I'm still going to be close to my college and my sister. "This house has too much memories." I sighed.

I ran to my moms room and looked through her drawers. I found a box full of pictures and took them with me. I put them in my carry on and I looked around her room to see if I forgot to take anything. "Oh!" I remembered as I went under the bed and took out a box that had my dads name labeled on it. Since my dad died my mom kept the things that meant to her about dad and put them in a box under her bed. I opened the box and found a sweater that had my dads university logo on it. The same college I'm going too. I also found a necklace with a locket on it. I opened it and found my mother and his picture in there and put it around my neck. I rummaged through it and found only his shoes, some watches and a baseball mitten. I took the mitten because my dad fell inlove with baseball. He had hoped for a son but instead got my sister and I.

I don't know why I took it, I just liked the idea of having it with me. I put the box back and ran to get my stuff and pack it into my truck. Once everything I needed was packed into my truck I went over to my sister.

"So call me when you arrive at your apartment and I'll be in New York in a few days. I need to sell the house and make sure everything is okay." My sister assured me. I nodded.

Five other cars or trucks rolled in with boxes packed into them. That must've been the guys. They parked in my drive way and got out.

I quickly ran over and hugged them. Although, Tanner couldn't drive so his brother is driving him. I ran over and hugged them all. I began tearing again at the thought of leaving.

"I'm gonna miss you guys." I said and they all nodded. "But I'm happy. As long as we keep in touch." I said and they all nodded.

We walked into the the house and had small talks. "I will never forget that time." Liam said laughing as we all remembered the certain entertaining events.

"Alana can we talk?" Tanner said and I nodded. We walked out to the back by the pool. "What about?" I asked. "I've been thinking about this for a long time. And yes, leaving hurts. A lot..." He paused and I urged him to continue. "But promise me you won't open the gift until you get to the college." He said and I nodded. " I promise Tanner." He nodded and we stood silent for a moment. He began tearing and I noticed. "Alana...I love you so much." He looked at me as his eyes were red and watery. I began crying a bit and smiled. "I love you too Tanner." I finished and we slowly leaned into each other. Our bodies so close to each other. He leaned in closer and outer lips brushed softly against each other. For a moment It felt like It was just Tanner and I. A fish of wind blew and it felt so magical. Soon enough, our lips crashed into each other as he leaned on his cruches and cupped my face with hands. This kiss had been so emotional that I hadn't noticed how I love I was with Tanner. Although I spent more time with liam, I loved Tanner deeply. We both pulled away, staring at each other in awe. "Alana please don't leave." He pleaded. "I won't." I whispered. But I knew I had to go college. I just had meant that I won't leave his heart and he'll never leave mines.

I had hoped for this moment a long time now. And now that I has happened it was beyond what I had imagined.

After that we all stood in my driveway for it was time to leave. We all got into a group hug and I hugged each of them each tightly. We all stayed close for a while until we all began to say our goodbyes. "I'm gonna miss you guys." I said and they said the same. "I guess it's time for us to go our seperate ways Huh?" Xavier said looking down. "Yeah...hey you've all got my number and I've got yours, I'm sure we'll be in touch. Text me when you arrive at your colleges." I said and we all smiled and nodded. "Okay." Liam said. "Okay." Caleb whispered. "Okay." Chris whispered. "Okay." Xavier said. "Okay alana Patterson." Tanner said smiling. "Okay." I smiled back.

We all got into our vehicles and started the engines. I rolled down the window and yelled. "Bye liam! Bye xavier! Bye Tanner! Bye Chris! Bye caleb!" I shouted and they returned the byes.

We all started driving out of my driveway. Each of us going our seperate ways. I looked into my rearview mirror as they all stuck their hands out and waved.

I placed my finger on my lips where Tanner had kissed me. It reminded me that the glue thing that kept us all together was love. And it will stretch farther each step we take.

I will never forget Xavier's anger issues and care for certain people. I will never forget Liam's Habit of smoking and humor. I will never forget Tanner's love for me and his idea of fighting for things that's worth living for. I will never forget Chris and Caleb's silliness and their care for each other.

As I waited for things that awaited me, I still haven't forgotten everything the boys and I have gone through. And like I said...

This unimaginable, beautiful pain that the boys have given me...I will take everywhere I go.


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