Chapter nine

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**(Picture of Logan Lerman as Liam)**

Alana's POV*

"Oh uh, hi Bruce." I said nervously, his grip on me getting tighter. I began to panic and looked at Liam, "hey let go of her." Liam said taking Bruce's hand off my wrist and I stood behind Liam. "Oh, you two together?" Bruce asked. I looked at Liam. "I got this." He whispered to me. "Yes, we are." He said and held my hand. He gave me a long death glare before patting Liam on the back, "good for you." He smiled before walking away.

"That was close." I sighed and looked at Liam, our hands were still together. "Just leave it." He said and I laughed, he's so adorable. Wait I mean cute, wait I don't know but it's a good feeling.

We walked along the beach and watched the sun set. He put his hand behind his neck and rubbed it. "So, I was wondering, if you wanted to go do something over the weekend?" He asked shyly, and he blushed. Aww! He blushed! "What, like a date?" I asked smirking. "Well...yeah, I guess." He smiled. I laughed and said okay.

"You know what I want to do when I have my own job? Or when I'm an adult? And have enough money?" I asked to break the silence. "What?" He asked. "I want to buy a big house, and hopefully live with my friends, just friends. Maybe even a lover I don't know, and we could do videos, and just have fun. I want to go on road trips with friends, I want to even buy a bus and replace the seats with beds, and it-it'll just be great. I want to just spend my life with friends and family by my side." I said. He laughed. "Wow you got big goals here." I giggled, "well duh." We both turned to the now night sky, and the moons light shimmering onto the ocean water.

"The moon is so bright." I said. "You know, the sun is actually reflecting on the moon which give it the glow and reflects to-" I groaned. "Okay Albert Einstein." I rolled my eyes. We laughed and headed back to the party.

"Chug! Chug! Chug!" I hear from a distance as a guy chugs down loads of alcohol. I wonder who would be willing enough to drive him home.

I sat on the couch, with a couple next to me making out. I felt someone close sit next to me and saw that it was just Tanner. "Oh, hi." I shyly said. "Enjoying the party?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope." He nodded. "Yeah, too much people." He replied. "Can I talk to you?" He asked. I nodded and got up, walked outside and stood by the cars parked outside. "Do you like Liam?"he asked. I stood with my eyes widened. Do I like him? I mean, he's sweet, and not like the rest of them. And when I'm around him, it's a feeling I can't explain. I blushed once I made my mind up. "Yeah, I do." I looked down. Tanner didn't say anything for a while.

"Why?" He asked again, taking hold of my wrist, not my hands, and gently pulled me towards an open spot where grass grew from the sand. "Because he's sweet, and so not like the rest of you guys." I said crossing my arms. "I'm sorry, you know that right?" He said jamming his hands in his pockets. I shrugged crossing my arms and turned away. I looked into the night sky, seeing the stars and hearing the stereos of the party blast my ears.

"Why are you sorry." I said breaking the silence. "Because, I just am." He replied shortly. "What would it take to forgive me?" He asked after. "I don't know, making me laugh." I mentally face palmed myself. I'm so stupid! Is that the best I could come up with? To be honest, I'm not really mad at the guys anymore, I've grown fond of them, but if they screw this chance up, I'll hate them forever. I just don't want to tell them that.

It was quiet for a moment before I felt hands tickle me and I laughed in horror. Tanner was tickling me! I laughed hysterically and got out of his grasp before making a dash towards the beach. "Can't catch me!" I yelled as I jumped over rocks and ran towards the beach. A pair of strong hands came at my waist and began tickling me. I fell to the ground laughing. "Stop! I'm gonna die!" I yelled laughing. By the time he was done tickling me, I had noticed we were both laying down on the sand next to each other, facing the night sky. It was like this for about a good three minutes. "I hope no one runs us over." Tanner said. "Oh okay, moment ruined." I said and earned a chuckled from him, I got up and dusted myself off. He got up too and we stood there. A breeze blew and I crossed my arms at the coldness. "Here." Tanner said handing his flannel to me. "Oh, thanks." I said putting it on. I crossed my arms again and began walking down the beach. Tanner followed and put his arm around me. I stiffened for a moment but let it go. Because I had felt sparks too.

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