Chapter three

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I walked into the school more early than usual. I walked to the library.

I entered as I seem to be the only one. The librarian isn't around so I went to look for a book. I was looking through some thick novels perfectly laid on the shelves. The librarian is a neat freak. "You like reading?" I hear a voice beside me. Startled I looked at him. He wore glasses, pants, and a plain t-shirt. His hair was put down, covering his eyes. He looked like the smart type. "Uh, hi." I said uneasy. I haven't seen him around before. "I'm luke, I'm new." He smiled and put his hand out for me to shake. I happily took it. He smiled. "So what you up to?" It seemed like he wanted to have a conversation with me. Like he was desperate to have friends.

After a few moments of talking to him, "want to be friends?" His smile grew wider, and his eyes had hope. But I remembered the boys, my bullies. They'd hurt anyone who was to be my friend. This boy was too sweet to be picked on. "I-I'm sorry but I can't. It's just that-I can't say but I just can't I'm so sorry." I pleaded for his forgiveness but he looked down. "No, no, it's okay. I'm used to it." He replied sadly. I sighed as my heart broke a little. That was probably the hardest thing I've ever done. He was a sweet guy and a nice person to have a conversation with.

School started as I went to my first class of the day. I sighed as I walked to the back and watch as my bullies walk through the door of the class. As usual, they sat in the other corner, thankfully away from me.

"Alright class, you will be doing a presentation assignment." My teach announced. A few grumbles and complains threw at her way. "It is due next week, it will be about anything you want. But it has to be appropriate." She continued. "You could write about something that happened in your life, or a problem today, like global warming. Or bullying." I shifted in my seat as I glared at Xavier them. I always felt uncomfortable when they talked about that topic.

It was lunch and as usual, I sat alone in my corner table. A few other kids sat with me but stayed a great distance away from me. I occasionally looked at Liam, he seemed so calm today. I then spotted luke, he did make friends. People like him. Not like me who gets bullied every single day. Tanner looked at me and I looked at him back, he gave me a death glare and I shifted uneasy in my seat.

I looked down at my food and started playing with it. A few moments later I felt the table shake and I look up to see the twins, Chris and Caleb sit infront of me. "What do you want." I asked annoyed. "Xavier knows what you said to tanner. He said to meet at the usual place after school, you know, where you get be-"."I know." I cut Chris off. They chuckled. "I bet you do." They say and walk away. Oh no! Xavier knows what I said to tanner. A shiver runs down my spine and I get up to throw my un-eaten food. As I was walking down the hall, I heard a couple more footsteps behind me, they were coming up fast. I turned and saw Xavier and his friends coming towards me. I started walking fast and they shouted my name. I ran.

I went down the stairs, I kept going down until I reached the first floor. "Please leave me alone. Please leave me alone." I whispered to myself. "Alana wait for us!" Xavier said in a mock tone. "No!" I shouted back and ran faster. After that I was out of the doors and out of school property. I stopped near the local playground as I begged for air. Why can't they leave me alone! Can I have peace for atleast five whole minutes without looking at their annoying shit faces! I hate them why can't they just-just, "LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I said the last part angrily aloud.

I sat on the swing as I watch my bullies run up to me. I was on the edge of fighting back or giving up. I looked up at Liam who had sympathy on his face. "You are a worthless piece of shit." Xavier snickered. "You think I don't know that with you constantly telling me?!" I got off the swing and walked away, the cold air hitting me as I hugged myself. "I heard you hugged Liam." I can feel Xavier smirking his annoying smirk. I stopped walking and turned around. Waiting for what they were gonna say or do. I looked at Liam, he shrugged. TANNER. "That was because one of your assholes tried killing me! And I panicked!" I tried reasoning. "Hah. Killing you would've been better." Xavier said. Liam shifted a little away from Xavier. "Why didn't you kill me yet then huh? If you wanted to, why haven't you! Killing me would've been better than having to live everyday, having to deal with you jerks!" I shot back. It was a lose-lose situation for me. If I die, that's not good. If I live, I still feel the pain. I don't know what to do here guys.

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