Chapter 13

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(Bae in the pic. Lol jk. But that's Alana)

Alana's POV*

it was two months before graduation and I'm finally going to grauate! I'm so excited. After that day when Xavier told me that things got better, it did. And it is, everything is going fine, I never saw Bruce them ever again, and the boys have been there for me every step of the way. I still didn't make and girl friends, I'm too shy to even talk with girls near me. With boys I'm comfortable doing ANYTHING around them, but for girls, I stand there like a sack of potatoes.

Today started as any normal day, I woke up and did boring things in my empty house. The guys are at football practice and I'm stuck eating in my house alone. Scary much. For the past few weeks I needed to get used to being alone, which means closing the lights downstairs and immediately running up my stairs so I won't get eaten. Then I'd stay in my room, and when is get hungry, I'd open every light in my house and grab a snack. I hate living alone.

Xavier and Liam came over my house after practice and stayed with me. "So how's living alone so far?" Liam asked. "Scary, horrible, lonely." I rolled my eyes as I laid back into my sofa and looked at the both of them. "So how are you gonna find your own place?" Xavier asked as he ate his chips, and licked his stained cheeto fingers. "I don't know, I've been searching online for a long time now, and I still haven't found one that fits me, they're either too big or too small." I sighed as I went to sit by Xavier and started eating the chips. "How about if we live together? I mean some teenagers who can afford a house live with their friends, why can't we?" I squealed. "Oh my gosh yes." I said as I licked my fingers and jumped up and down. "Woah why so excited?" Liam asked.

"Because I get to order pizza and all those other fun stuff, but other than that, it's freaking AWESOME!" I said. They laughed as I kept jumping up and down. "Stop jumping." Xavier told me. "Okay wait I have to pee." I said as I made my way over the mess on the floor and on the way to the bathroom before hearing "Wash your hands dodo girl!" Xavier shouted. I slammed the door.

A few hours passed, Xavier and I started playing a game of chess, I don't know why but it's interesting seeing him confused all the time. "Chess is so complicated!" He said frustrated. "Like your life." I replied. He looked at me and began laughing. "Please, my life is so interesting." He retorted. "Only because I'm in it." I smirked as he rolled his eyes.

His phone began ringing as he checked and answered. "Hey what's up man?" He said. "What?...when?...okay, we're on our way." He sounded serious. I looked at him and he looked at me. "It's Tanner." He said to me, I gave him a look, what was he talking about? "We need to go now! It's urgent!" He said in a rush as he grabbed his things and rushed out the door. I didn't hesitate to follow.

We arrived at the hospital, and yet I was still confused. "can you please tell me what happened?!" I stopped and faced him. "He got into a car accident, now I don't know what happened but the guys are waiting in the waiting room for his surgery to finish." He replied and walked past me.

He took hold of my hand and dragged me along. Hearing that Tanner, a close friend just got into a life and death situation is a scary feeling. My palms began sweating as we walked passed too many hospital lights. We made it to the lobby where the guys were waiting. I spotted Liam, he sat there with a numb expression, he looked at me and we hugged. About a minute later we all sat down. No one asked questions, even I was curious yet didn't bother asking. I sat in my seat and rested my head on loans shoulder as he comforted me. Worried, I bit my nails. I always do that when I'm nervous about something. "You okay?" I heard Liam ask. I nodded and kept staring at this honeycomb looking decoration, hung on top of the wall across of me. This room consisted of four green walls, a TV, about ten uncomfortable chairs, and a coffee table with some magazines. The reason why the honeycomb decoration bothered me so much is because I have a phobia of the fear of holes. It's strange and uncomfortable. Kind of like the situation right now in my chair and my head resting on Liam's shoulder.

Bullied by boysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن