Chapter 1

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Melian up top
Another long day of me being assigned to kill someone again besides I had gotten used to it. It wasn't that hard, it just led to me being drenched in blood, but nooo the stupid man didn't listen to me.
I had been doing that for about  4years now since I got out of that
My phone rang oh it was my assigner.
"Nice doing business with  you " he said.
"Yeah yeah my money now" I demanded impatiently.
"You will find it in front of the  Hart building "he said.
" Good "and I hung up.
I put my phone  into my back pocket before heading to the building.I had  talked to the guy face to face in the same building .
I don't really care about anyone knowing my identity because it had already been recorded that I was long gone and dead thanks to them and no one is able to track me down literally I'm a walking ghost .I reached the building and found men dotted around but they didn't notice me .
Doesn't Oliver know not to play games with me ,I'm about to show him why I'm called 'The Psycopath'.
I quickly count the guys and hit the first one with one bullet in the back of the leg.
He shouts and I quickly go over him to shoot him in the chest drawing a smiling face.
I admire my art before remembering I had five more people to play with.
I turn around to find them all around me.
" Who goes first?"I yell out .
Noone moves that means I'm first.
From where I was standing I could see the bag .
Oliver is a man of his word .
I smile and look at the tallest ,he was so cute  that I couldn't kill him so instead I will just hurt him a little.
Mehhh who am I kidding.
Since they where still looking at my art work .
I had the time to shoot him in the leg. The others soon realised that and all went into action.
They started firing at me ,me being me and me being quick I shoot the lights leaving us in the dark and them shooting at nothing.
"I think we got her" one said.
I just walked behind them.
"No you missed a spot." I laughed .
I shot at their knees leaving them yelling in agony.It was so dark they couldn't see anything but I could because I was used to it .
I walked over to my bag of money and opened it ,seeing hundred dollar bills in bundles I smile and walk away with it ,hearing them scream in a distance was satisfying.I called Oliver "I told you never to play with me" I said and hung up .
I was smiling as I entered my temporary apartment.
I threw the bag onto the small couch and I went to take a shower. I stripped dropping my clothing to the ground.
I entered and wash the dry blood of me with hot water.I got out and looked for an oversized t-shirt which I found under my bed.
I heated my left over pizza and sat watching the view of the city .I hear my phone ringtone in the distance and I begin to search for it .
under the bed
            the sofa
            the table
What about the bathroom?
I search for it in the laundry basket to find it in my suit .
"Erm hello"I breathed out.
" Good evening, I've got a job for you "
the husky voice said.
"That is ?" I asked .
"We will discuss it face to face at the Bulgarian Restaurant over lunch " the voice said.
"Okay " I said and cut the call.
I sighed and dragged myself to the bedroom to get some sleep.

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