Chapter XXXI

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My hands trembled; my feet dragged across the dirt. I fell to my knees as an anguished cry tore through.

"No." I croaked, burying my head in my hands. "No, no, no!"

A choked sob was all that I could muster as I took in the bodies lying in front of me.

Jessica and Andrew lied on the ground, lifeless and pale. Andrew was gagged, his wrists bruised from his shackles. Blood caked his back from the numerous lashes shredding his skin. The smell of burned flesh made me turn to Jessica, seeing her arms and shoulders covered in burns. The gaping hole in her chest made a knot tighten in my throat.

I was too late.

"They screamed for you and yet you never came." My breath hitched, my tears drying on my face as realization hit me. "How pitiful."

Ghost sneered at the animalistic snarl I set free.

Patches of fur sprung along my arms, my teeth elongating as profound loathing consumed my being. "You're going to Hell for what you did!" I howled, lunging for the bastard with my eyes set for his throat.

Chains sprung from the ground and slammed me to the floor. I fought against their iron hold, but they never gave in. Blood sprung from my futile attempts, littering my skin in cuts as I roared my frustration.

"M-Malen'kiy Volk . . ." (Little Wolf)

Ice froze my lungs as I dared to look up.

John was held at knifepoint, the poison-laced dagger held against his throat.

"N-No," I pulled against my bonds and cursed my helplessness. "N-No, not you," Undeniable loathing swirled in my eyes. "Ghost, let him go!" I screamed.

Ghost scowled, slicing gently into the former Hunter's neck. He flinched, giving me pleading eyes. "It's okay—"

"John, stop!" I roared with tears in my eyes. "Ghost, let him go and you can kill me."

Horror and disbelief marred the former Hunter's colored pools. "No! Malen'kiy—" The former Hunter screamed as the dagger was plunged into his shoulder. (Little)

I cringed. Murderous intent glowed in my blood-red jewels like a living drum.

"Your offer is tempting," Ghost said, pinning me with a sickening grin. "Then again, death is too merciful a punishment for you."

Red coated his blade, the clean but lethal gashes pouring so much blood it was disgusting.

John set free a gurgled cry, his eyes dulling as red ribbons poured from his throat.

"No! John!" I screamed through my tears. No matter how much I thrashed, the chains never broke. I screamed my rage and grief into the sky.

"No! John!" I sprang upright, feeling someone wrap their arms around me as I writhed under their grip.

"Malen'kiy Volk, it's okay!" My writhing slowed, the hammering of my heart against my ribcage quieting. "It's okay, I'm here." (Little Wolf)

I gasped for air like a fish out of water, my wide colorful eyes dancing around the room. A soft inhale was all I needed to remember what I witnessed. "J-John?" I pulled away, holding his head in my hands. "W-What—he—you—"

A soft, reassuring gaze adorned the former Hunter's face. "It was just a dream. None of it was real," He placed my trembling hand on his chest. "I'm here with you."

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