Chapter XXVII

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The next day flew faster than I desired. John and Andrew left me alone for the most part, only calling me to eat or re-dress my bandages. It made me think that they had an unspoken agreement to give me space.

Truth be told, I didn't know what I needed.

I hid away in my room for most of the day, refraining from speaking to anyone, even Aria or Fang.

They haven't said a word since Fang took control. To be frank, I didn't know how to feel about it. They were the only beings who knew firsthand what I suffered, yet they too were suffering. I've resigned myself to accepting their silence. They'd speak their minds when they were ready.

I didn't mention what happened last night to either sibling. It was a bad idea, for sure, but they had enough to deal with when I was already injured. I didn't need to add that to their list of worries.


John stumbled into my room later that evening. The solemn look etched into his face spelled it out for me.

"Andrew?" I murmured.

"He's waiting in the car." He replied, gesturing for me to join him.

I followed him, shaking my head when he moved to help me. Sadness tugged at my heart when my gaze landed on the bracelet adorning my wrist. It was the one Christian gave to me for Christmas. I quickly unwound it and settled it around my neck.

The three of us drove in silence to a clearing. The other Hunters would be waiting with a pyre to send Christian off, and even though it hurt, it was the best thing we could do. He deserved peace.

Jessica pulled me into a hug when we arrived. I accepted it with reluctance and returned the gesture. Sadness and concern knitted her eyebrows. "I'm so sorry."

"Thank you," I murmured back, turning to the other Hunters before my gaze strayed. They stood in a circle, leaving Christian's pyre in my direct line of sight. A cloth covered his body, but even then, my heart ached.

I turned back to John with tears brimming in my eyes, seeing his dim with melancholy as he gave me a gentle nod.

I walked over to the pyre with my legs full of lead. My heart thrummed against my chest. My brown eyes fell on him. My fingers trailed the side of his face, resting on his cheek. A teardrop wet the cloth on the other.

"Wait for me up there, alright? I'll be there before you know it," A turmoil of emotions graced my features as I smiled. "I love you, Christian." I will always love you.

My fingers ran over the worn wood adorning the pyre. The soft caresses of flames licked my arms, slithering across my skin to greet the pyre with crackling excitement.

An explosive roar of sunset-colored flames burst the pyre to life, taking with it the vessel sitting within its arms.

My brown eyes watched as the flames flickered and sparks flew into the midnight sky. Sadness tightened a chord in my chest.

"Jasmine." I turned around to see John and Andrew approaching me.

In John's hands was a wrapped object. Its familiar gold guard and worn leather grip told me what it was: Christian's dagger, Leucin.

I inhaled sharply, meeting the brothers' sorrowful gaze with my incredulous one.

"We weren't sure if you wanted to burn it or keep it," Andrew murmured.

I accepted it, undoing the wrapping with shaking fingers to stare at the blade. This was all I had from Christian. Could I bring myself to give this up too?

"I'll keep it," I murmured, meeting John's gaze. "I know the risks, but I can't let his memory fade." I spared one final glance at the burning pyre and walked away.


We all went our separate ways. John and Andrew went into the library to debrief a Hunt  some Hunters went off on, leaving me to sneak back to my room without a fuss.

My fingers traced the polished blade in my hands. Christian had taken such good care of it that it wasn't surprising to see it in such a condition. The golden guard was as shiny and beautiful as ever, reminding me of the orange glow of the fires on those cold winter nights.

Funny enough, he told he had a knack for knife-throwing as a kid, so much so that his father had brought him old logs and cans to use as target practice.

Nostalgia dug a smile out of me despite the sadness lingering in my gaze.

"Careful or you'll poke your finger," A soft voice said behind me.

A sarcastic chuckle escaped me. "I've handled a blade before. I think I know how to hold one without slicing my finger."

The voice released a gentle laugh. "You sure about that?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" I stifled a giggle and turned to the sound of the voice.

No one was there.

My breath hitched. My heart thrummed in my chest, thrumming faster when the color drained from my face.

It was happening again.

"What's happening again?" Nearly springing from my chair, a choked bark burst from my vocal cords before I slapped a hand over my mouth.

My eyes widened, a strangled cry ripping through my throat. "N-No . . ." I shook my head as tears sprung from my eyes. "N-No. No."

"You don't have to be afraid," The voice soothed, changing until a clear masculine tone was present. Beautiful greenish-brown pools locked onto mine and a lopsided smile curved his lips. "I'm here now, Jazz."

I wanted to think that seeing him again would heal the hole in my heart. I was wrong. I was so wrong.

This hurt so much worse.


A/N: That marks the end of Chapter 27. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Updates are every other Saturday, so stay tuned!

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