Chapter XI

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Something warm was pressed against me. I wiggled aside, settling my head on the soft moss of my nest.

The warmth persisted, shuffling to my side and pressing against me once more.

Prying a blue jewel of an eye open, light brown fur greeted me. "Eva heard of personal space?"

"You warm," Christian mumbled back, half-asleep. He curled into me, settling on his side with his spine snuggled into my dark pelt. My wing was still draped over him, sheltering him in the cocoon of warmth he craved.

I rumbled a chuckle, licking the fur out of his eyes. He shivered, pawing at his muzzle. "Five more minutes . . ."

I rolled my eyes, yawning, and letting my gaze wander to the entrance of the den. The birds were chirping, enjoying the rainfall from last night to shower in the puddles it left.

"How does a dip in the waterfall sound?" I suggested, closing my wing, and stretching the sleep out of my limbs.

The Beast yawned, sprawling his massive form over the den before blinking opening his vibrant fire-colored eyes. "Sounds like a nice idea," scratching his ear, he tilted his head, "do we still have leftovers from the other day?"

I snorted, lowering into a bow to stretch. "We have enough to last us a good four days with all the hunting you've been doing," A small smile curved my lips. "Thanks, by the way."

Christian nodded.

We shed our fur for skin and got busy preparing breakfast.

"You think John's worried about us?" Christian asked as I placed the deer legs from a previous hunt to cook in the fire. "I mean, it's been like what? A month since we've spoken to him?"

An amused snicker plastered itself on my face as I ran my fingers over my sword's scabbard. "John knows we can take care of ourselves, Chris," I met his uncertain gaze. "He has a life of his own so I'd rather not interrupt it too often."

"He's pretty fond of your company, though, I can see it." He murmured loud enough for me to hear. He ran his fingers through his hair, which had grown to his shoulders much like John's. It was a few shades darker than his pelt, tinting it a nice brown that made his daemon eyes pop.

"He is the first human I've met since the Changing," I pointed out with a wry grin. "He's accepted us without much regard for what it means, I guess."

He furrowed an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"John's a former Hunter. He was part of a network built on slaying supernatural creatures who bring harm to humans." I elaborated. "He left that life, though."

"So, you became friends with someone who could potentially kill us?" The Beast asked with a straight face, though the growl at the edge of his voice dripped something other than indifference.

"He doesn't know how to, though I sincerely doubt it's in his intentions." I shot back, making sure not to match the pointed look I threw him with my tone. "If he wanted us dead, he would've done it already."

Christian didn't respond, averting his gaze as I handed him his breakfast and ate mine in stifling silence.


My blue gaze lifted to the sky at the continuous thrum of bird calls, my tail swishing with interest. The sun was bathing the area in its soft glow, lighting up a path to the waterfall.

I turned around to the Beast with my ears flicking. "We're not that far off."

The gentle trickle of water intensified to a rushing current as we arrived at the waterfall. I found the area peculiar the first time I strolled past it, never quite understanding how such a flat plane of land could produce a steep cliff. The pond itself was as deep enough for my paws to brush the bottom with my head out.

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