Chapter III

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I coughed as smoke irritated my lungs. Tears flowed down my cheeks, the debris in the smoke burning my eyes as it suffocated my struggling lungs. My breathing was becoming desperate, my gasps for air shortening the longer I remained trapped. I clutched my chest, gasping for air I couldn't get. Looking around for an exit, I let loose a frustrated and angry curse. Everything was mushed and blurred together, indistinguishable from danger and safety.

I tried to tell myself that all of this was just a dream, that I'd wake up from this hell and be back in my room curled in the warmth of my blankets. This wasn't a dream, though; it was the reality.

I was trapped in a reality that gave me no chance to survive.

My broken leg throbbed with pain, the bleeding gash above my knee making me grit my teeth.

I forced myself to my feet. I had to get to Thomas' room. It was the one with the least fire and smoke. It was my only way out.

I scrambled for the room's window; the floor beneath me gave in. I clawed at the floor, gritting my teeth when fire licked my hand. Hauling myself up, I gasped as the house began trembling. I yelped and covered my face as debris crashed to the floor from above. My eyes strayed to the bedroom door. Horror marred them before anger consumed it.

Defiant tears rained down my cheeks. A blood-curdling scream ripped through my throat as the fire consumed me whole.

Orange and red engulfed my eyes before darkness pulled me in, silencing my agonized cries. There wasn't a white light, just gentle nothingness that seemed to croon my writhing soul to sleep. Giving in to the chilling darkness, I released my vessel. I'm so sorry . . .

I was on death's door.

I was dead.

I was free.


A/N: That marks the end of Chapter 3. What do you guys think so far? Any theories of where the story will go from here?

Updates are every other Saturday, so stay tuned!

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