Chapter XXX

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Throbbing pain punched me awake with startling success. I groaned, clutching my head before finding my hands wrapped in gauze. Again.

"Welcome back to Earth, Jasmine."

I jumped, ushering the red in my gaze away when they fell on Andrew. I held my chest and let my heart's thunder quiet down.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." The Hunter said with a sheepish smile.

I swallowed hard, regaining hold of my voice. "I thought you were John," I ran my bandaged palm over my face with a soft sigh. "How long was I out?"

"A couple hours. John went to cook dinner, but I can fetch him if you'd like."

"No, it's alright," I answered, pushing myself upright with a groan. I winced as I rubbed my temple. "I think I gave myself a massive headache."

"You want painkillers?" Andrew held up a bottle with pills.

A smile twitched my lips and I shook my head. "Unless that's something stronger than morphine I'll pass."

Realization widened his colored eyes and red blossomed over his cheeks. "Sorry, I keep forgetting you're not human."

"Surprising and amusing answer coming from someone who hunts the supernatural." I crowed.

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "Most of the things I kill don't act so human unless they want to fool me."

"Hot chocolate to go?"

I blinked, craning my head to see John standing at the doorway with a tray in hand. "Sure, I guess."

The former Hunter ushered himself in, nodding to his brother. Andrew sighed, gently squeezing my shoulder on his way out.

"How are you feeling?" John murmured as I sipped my hot chocolate. It tasted just like the one he served the first time we met.

"My head's throbbing and my hands hurt."

John sighed, unwilling to slice the deafening silence between us.

"I'm sorry, John," I relaxed my shoulders. "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I never meant to doubt you."

"I know, and it's okay." He answered. "I know the last six weeks haven't been pleasant, and while I understand your desire to deal with your problems on your own," he let my dark eyes wander back to him. "You should also know when it's right to loop others in."

I scowled at the cup in my hands. "I didn't want you to see me like that."

The former Hunter sat in front of me, though I averted his gaze.

"Did you think I would judge you for your outburst? You think I'd do something like that knowing what kind of mental state you're in?"

"I'm not crazy," I growled, meeting his gaze with a sparkle of blue.

"I never said you were," He countered softly, rubbing his fingers over my hand. "You're struggling with your grief, with losing the very thing that kept you going," Guilt and anger and sadness washed over his greenish-grey eyes. "I don't want to lose you like I lost him," He caressed my cheek. "I need to know what's haunting you, Malen'kiy Volk. I need to know so I can help you dig yourself out." (Little Wolf)

"I-If I tell you, I'll just be admitting the truth I've been avoiding this entire time," My fingers trailed his wrist, pulling his hand away to rest mine in them. My chocolate brown orbs trembled with uncertainty and lurking fear. "I hate keeping this to myself, I do, I-I just—" I shut my eyes and squeezed my jaw. "I don't know if I'm strong enough to face this."

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