Chapter VII

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Three weeks had passed since my transition, but it hadn't been easy. Retreating deep into the preserve, I howled as my bones shattered and rearranged. Transformation after transformation led to my agonized sobs lessening until the pain eased to nothing.

Sometime during those agonizing weeks, I awoke to a sword near the entrance to the den I had called my home. The sword seemed to call me, beckoning to wield it as if it were a limb. Ironically enough, Aria had told me the sword was forged from my flesh and blood while I wandered the Void and was approached by her.

Spirits forge it themselves before sending it to newborn Beasts such as yourself, Aria informed me. Since you are now a Beast, an untamed half of you, the "animal side" of you so to speak, will take hold of you if you are not able to keep it in check. Objects made with what you were during your transition will help make this easier.

I now carried the weapon with me, taking it wherever I went. My sword was forged with a task: sealing my inner beast, Fang, away unless I handed it control. I decided that since this would be a life-long companion, I named it Baki.

Despite knowing the importance my sword held, I was curious to know if objects with the same purpose could be forged into ordinary everyday assets.

"Do all Beasts have items like my sword?" I asked Aria.

All Beasts have something that tames their inner selves. It is often a weapon but can be given as a decorative asset. Why?

"I'm just curious, that's all. It's interesting to know what my sword could be."

I gazed at the stars above my den. It took several days to stabilize and left me with sore claws, but I was happy with the outcome. It was cozy and inviting. It was home.


I was roused from a deep sleep to rustling outside of my den. I yawned and padded out, letting my eyes adjust to my surroundings. I glanced around for the source, finding nothing out of the ordinary, just a grazing stag nearby.

I huffed and went to the waterfall in the outskirts of my land for a morning drink, ignoring the rustling of critters scurrying out of my way. Instead, I focused on the sounds of the songbirds perched in the treetops. I trotted to the shore of the waterfall connecting my home to a preserve, its invisible marker made clear by the scent line bordering my land.

I drank my fill. My ears and tail swatted unwanted flies. Noticing the chirps of the songbirds die down, I raised my head, glancing around for the presence silencing them.

I put my nose to work and sniffed the air, catching the scent of a wild cat. I narrowed my eyes, squaring my shoulders. What is a cougar doing here? Did it follow me?

My ears swiveled from side to side, trying to figure out the creature's location.

I didn't have to wait long for the cougar to come running at me from behind, managing to escape its claws as I whirled around with a snarl. "You got some nerve to attack me before I hunt."

The cougar returned the gesture, lashing its tail from side to side. "I'll take my chances with you." It yowled, tearing through the space between us in a furious lunge. I leaped around to dodge the assault, whirling around to see the cougar screeching to a stop before continuing its course towards my throat.

I reared on my hind legs, catching the cougar's momentum and crashing to the floor with it. The scuffle between us didn't last long, my supernatural abilities allowing me to get the advantage and pin the creature beneath me. I held the cougar down with a paw on its throat. It was enough to freeze the animal in its tracks. They all choose life over a meal, I suppose.

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