Chapter XII

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The bird calls that once lingered a little after sundown faded as the days grew shorter and nights grew longer.

I tossed the deer and hare beside the den, laying down as I waited for Christian to arrive to go looking for firewood. The last time we left our catches unattended, we had to fight off dirty scavengers.

The bushes rustled with light brown fur settling my dark pelt. "Please tell me you found more than a deer and hare."

The Beast smirked, diving his head back into the bushes to drag a stag and two squirrels out. "This good enough?"

I licked my lips and snatched the squirrels up. "Save the stag for later. We can eat the little ones now."

He nodded and plopped the stag beside the deer I caught. "I'll keep watch while you get firewood."

"I'll be back in a bit!" I barked and bolted back into the preserve.

Christian lingered close to the fire I nursed for dinner. I frowned. "I can make it warmer if you're cold."

He shook his head. "I'm fine," he raised his eyebrows at my sleeveless grey top and dirty black jeans. "Aren't you cold?"

I scoffed, flipping over a log with my hand. "I'm half phoenix. The cold doesn't bother me."

He clicked his tongue, pouting. "Damn it. I kinda wish Skye was a hybrid so I could have a special ability."

"Whether he's a hybrid or not doesn't guarantee you'll get something like mine, Chris," I muttered, shaking my hand free of the fires dancing on my skin.

"There's no harm in wishing, is there?" He shot back with a wry grin.

I chuckled, letting my eyes drift from the fire to his face. His eyes, they glowed like fresh embers. It was mystifying. My gaze blinked back to the fire when it crackled. "No, I guess not."


The weather got colder as the night grew longer. Christian gravitated towards the warmth my fire and body offered, though whether it was because he was cold or did so out of subconscious habit was up for debate. Regardless of that, the drop in temperature was a little concerning. With fall and winter approaching, food would become scarce and left some preserve residents starving unless they took precautions or hibernated.

I prowled on the edge of the clearing and away from prying eyes. My mouth watered at the delicious scents of the small herd of deer grazing on the little dry grass available. I huffed when my stomach growled, lashing my tail for Christian to signal if he caught sight of a potential kill.

I dug my claws into the cold, dry earth. Are you almost done looking?

You try looking for a kill plump enough to feed me and satisfy your appetite. Christian retorted.

Look who's talking, fat ass. You practically inhale the bone marrow out of your food.

I'm not going to waste good protein just because it's difficult to get, He argued. Now shut up, I think I found one.

I zipped my lips, flicking my ear before rolling my eyes.

Christian prowled out of the dark cover of the trees, his striking amber eyes zeroing on a kill I couldn't see. The Beast sprang into action with a silent lunge, the herd dispersing upon sensing his presence. My paws itched with anticipation while my eyes combed the herd for our designated kill, catching sight of a lame young buck struggling to keep up with the rest.

I sprang from the trees as if possessed, my large paws slamming into the ground like thunder. I pounced for the kill. My jaws sunk into the soft flesh of a throat, my body crashing to the ground along with my target. The buck cried out in panic, kicking and thrashing before a swift jerk of my head silenced it.

You got one, too?

I froze, whirling around. My lips dripped blood as Christian padded up to me with a doe hanging from his jaws. Wait, you weren't after the limping buck?

He blinked. To be honest, I think it was okay this time. My doe isn't plump.

I picked up the buck and followed him back to the den with my tail dragging behind me. So much for hunting together, huh?

Christian huffed ahead of me. We'll get it down eventually.

I worked on setting up a fire with the few dry branches I found. Christian skinned the kills we caught.

"You ask John about whether it was okay to move in with him yet?" The Beast asked, his eyes never straying from the squirrel he was skinning.

"I swung by the cabin three days ago and he wasn't around. Jessica told me he had left for DeKalb the day before and would be gone for two weeks at most."

"That's a no, then." He sighed, rubbing the nape of his neck with the bottom of Leucin's hilt. "Did she say why he left?"

I shrugged, encouraging the fire to grow. "I know he has a brother there. Maybe he's just visiting for a bit."

"Maybe," The Beast murmured. "Can I throw them in there yet?"

I nodded. We watched our food cook with absent gazes; mine strayed to my sword, which rested against my leg.

"You know," I turned to Christian, my wide blue eyes attentive. "I don't think I've ever seen you use your sword."

My fingers unsheathed the blade, the fire bouncing off the polished metal of the weapon. "I haven't had to, I guess. I can't spar with you when you just have a dagger."

"Hey!" The Beast barked. "Leucin can take on your sword! Just watch!"

"I know that," I replied, my eyes softening with sincerity, "I wouldn't want to risk hurting you."

He opened his mouth to protest but shifted it to a pout. "Fair enough." He set his hands to the fire, "Do you think it'll get colder in that time?"

My gaze strayed up. A few stars twinkled in the night sky, but no moon. "The weather here is unpredictable, but I think we'll be able to handle it."


I melted some of the snow sneaking into the den, sighing. "I think it's about time we crashed with John," I gazed at Christian, who was snuggled on the soft moss and grass that was our nest. "What do you think?"

He smacked his lips, pawing his nose. "If you think we'll go hungry with the lack of food, I say we should. Have you had a chance to tell him yet?"

"Jessica let him know I was looking for him."

"But did she tell him why?"

I pursed my lips, averting my gaze.

Christian narrowed his eyes. "You did tell her why you wanted to talk to John, right?"

I didn't respond, wanting to poof out of existence to avoid his drilling stare.

"You didn't tell her shit, did you?"

"You think I'm going to tell her that we want to crash with John so we won't starve?" I deadpanned.

"Yes!" He shot back, shaking his head. "You couldn't swallow your dignity and tell her that?"

"Shut up," I grumbled, pawing at the floor. "He'll just have to deal with us until game is plentiful again."

The Beast didn't argue further. "Let's just hope he isn't mad about us dropping in," his eyes softened and he beckoned me. "Come and sleep. We'll deal with this when we leave."

I nodded, curling beside him and draping my wing over him. I scooted over to give the Beast space, pausing when he snuggled into me. Fondness overtook the surprise in my gaze as I nuzzled his head and settled down to sleep.


A/N: That marks the end of Chapter 12. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

Updates are every other Saturday, so stay tuned!

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