Chapter XIV

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"Merry Christmas, you guys!" John cheered, handing us drinks.

I cautiously sniffed the shot glass the former Hunter handed me, grimacing at the golden liquid's powerful odor. "What the hell is this?"

I found Christian making a similar face. "Yeah, what gives?"

"That's tequila," The former Hunter laughed, pouring something for himself. Christmas music played in the background from the surround sound system the human owned, claiming that we needed some "holiday music" to get us in the mood. "Considering your Spanish background, Malen'kiy Volk, I thought maybe something like this could bring back good memories." (Little Wolf)

"Good memories of my family getting drunk and singing off-key," I muttered.

Christian laughed. "They must've been wild."

"Wild doesn't even begin to cover it." I giggled. I turned to John, noticing the clear liquid in his shot glass. "Hey, hey why do you get a different one?"

"Tequila doesn't hit the same as vodka." He said.

"Oh no, we're not having this," Christian shook his head and snatched John's glass away.

The human's eyes widened. "Hey! Give it back!"

The Beast raised an expectant eyebrow and put the glass out of the human's reach. "Not until you get a shot of tequila. If this is our first drink as Beasts, then you have to drink with us."

John pursed his lips but didn't argue, grumbling about "stupid teens and their stupid supernatural powers".

"We can hear you!" I called with a smug smirk.

"Nobody asked you!" The former Hunter shot back. He returned with another shot glass, rolling his eyes at Christian's nod of approval.

"We're going to get you so drunk." I cackled.

"Don't remind me," John drawled.

"The first person to bolt to the bathroom to puke has to make us dinner for New Year's Eve." Christian declared.

"Oh, it's on!" I cheered, snickering. "Hope you have fun competing with my fucked-up liver."

"I never thought I'd hear that come out of your mouth," John chuckled. He held up his shot glass. We clinked it, grinning like the bunch of giddy goofballs we were. "Here's to the first Christmas I've had with the funniest and most badass supernatural teens I could ask for."


I smiled, winking as we downed our liquor. I burst out laughing when Christian coughed after drinking his. The Beast's failed attempts at clearing his throat had me cackling.

The Beast handed John his empty shot glass to get some water from the kitchen. I laughed harder when he came back with a glass of water in hand. "The tequila too strong for you or what?" I teased, ignoring the annoying glare he threw my way.

"It went the wrong way going down the hatch." He mumbled.

"What's that?" I asked, cupping my ears to "hear better".

"I said it went down the wrong pipe!" He growled, whacking my arm.

I whined in mock-hurt and rolled my eyes. I turned to John and grinned. "I'm ready for round two."

"Bunch of alcoholics," Christian grumbled.

John cheered and laughed before fetching the bottle from the kitchen.

I think I found my drinking buddy for the night.


Christian plopped on the couch beside me, resting his head on my lap after our . . . fourth round?

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