A villager came over to y/n and held on tight to them, and y/n explained what they saw.  A panic set over the village and y/n felt it, it came in a large wave drowning those who stood under it.  Y/n rushed away from the villager that had a hold on them and went towards the house they last saw their dad.

"Dad!" Y/n yelled in a panic. "Dad!"

"Hey kiddo." Y/n's dad responded calmly, and looked over to his child.  

"W-we need to go!  We need to go home!  I-I saw them! They-" Y/n was cut off by their father.  

"Hey, hey hey hey calm down." Their dad said. "Listen, you head home, I'll be there soon, I just have to finish up something" 

The last thing y/n wanted to do was leave their dad there, in that meeting with the other villagers.  Y/n realized that they had no choice from the look on their dad's face, and they shot him a worried look as they left the house and went over to their house.  

The other villagers glanced at each other and watched y/n retreat into their house.  They too began to disband and drifted off into their own houses.  Y/n felt tired and it was still morning, they figured it was the stress.  But they would be ok, the golems would take care of it, and they would come back safe.  The village would throw a lame excuse of a feast and it would be ok.  

-an hour later-

Y/n wasn't sure how long they sat alone in the base of their house, but they did know that each passing minute they grew more and more worried about the fact that their father was not home.  They paced around the house, listening to the horns goings off and the far away sounds of the golems fighting.  They looked out the window and saw other villagers holding onto their families and saying things y/n couldn't make out.  

A few minutes passed, although it felt like hours to y/n, and they turned around at the sound of their dad opening the door.

"H-hey kiddo." He said, out of breath.

"Hey dad. W-whats going on?" Y/n asked. 

"Listen- come here." And y/n came over to their dad.

They were embraced into a tight hug, and a sense of dread came over them suddenly.

"I love you." Y/n's dad started, holding on to his child. "I love you so much."

Y/n let out a small nervous laugh.  "W-whats going on dad?" 

The man didn't let go of his (son/daughter/child).

"The golems are getting weaker.  They're failing.  They need help.  We're going to help them.  You need to stay here."  He said.

Y/n opened their mouth in protest but their dad continued on, not giving them the chance to speak.

"You need to stay here, and keep the house safe." Their dad told them. 

He released y/n from the embrace, a look of worry and grimace on his face.  

"D-dad- I- I'll go with you!" The young (man/woman/person) said shaking.

"No.  Absolutely not.  I'm going with some others, we'll be ok on our own.  You have to stay here and hold down the fort."  He tried to put on a kind smile at the end, but y/n knew how stressed their dad really was.  

Y/n watched as their dad rushed out of the house and to the second floor.  He came down in weak chainmail armor and a rusting iron sword.  The man then approached his youngest child, and held them in an embrace for the last time.

"What is being strong?" The man asked his (son/daughter/child).

"Doing the right thing at the right time." Y/n responded, and their dad sighed.

"I love you kid."  He kissed his (son/daughter/child) on the head.

"I-I love you too." Y/n replied and their dad squeezed them one last time, let go of them, gave a sad smile, and left the house.  

Tears poured out of y/n's eyes as they knew their dad was older and couldn't fight too well.  This was not going end well and it seemed both y/n and their father knew it.  

Y/n went outside and saw the smoke on the other side of the village.  The raid had soaked into the village and was going to reach them soon.  Y/n ran up the stairs and into their room.  They flung open the chest and grabbed the axe it held, the bag of emeralds, the bag of seeds, and the armor that was in there.  They put on the worn leather chest-plate and pants, then they went back downstairs and locked the door.  They peeked out the window and heard far off battle cries and the scream of a woman.  Y/n clutched the axe close to them and huddled in the corner.  


A scent y/n had never smelled flooded the air.  It was thick and heavy and made them feel sick.  It was blood.  The scent of burning flesh and wood, and blood was almost too much for them to handle and they retched, but kept it in.  

A scream pierced the thick atmosphere and rung through y/n's ears.  They sat there, paralyzed by the fear and sickness they felt fill their body.  They couldn't even stand up and look out the window.  They where filled with terror as realization set in.  This could be the end.  Y/n could die here.  Alone in their house, scared.  Tears welled in their eyes, threatening to pour out any second.  And y/n almost let it happen, except they had heard a pillager mumbling.  They heard loud thumping alongside the pillager and figured it was the blue and grey beast they saw.  

They held the axe tighter and pulled it closer to them, and turned to face the door, still sitting in the corner.  They where prepared to go down in a fight.  They heard the pillager and it's beast walk past their door though, and instead the pillager looked through the window which y/n was directly under.  They didn't dare breathe.  The pillager pulled the beast away with a grunt and y/n could hear him walking upstairs to raid their fathers room, and their room.  They heard the opening of chests and the clanking of it's contents. 

Y/n let out a small sigh as they heard the pillager lead it's monstrous pet away.  They almost stood up to check out the window, but an explosion was what stopped them, and the screams, and the burning of sandstone and flesh.  It was the neighbors, and y/n knew they had a young daughter, who was only 10.  They listened to the terrible screams of the neighbors being burned alive, and they sat there, letting the tears flow.  

Y/n cried alone in their house.  They cried for so long they felt a pain in their head, and snuck over to the cauldron to take some water.  They grabbed the remainder of the bread and stuck it into a satchel that was under the wooden slab in the kitchen.  They put their emeralds in there too, and slung it around them.  They ate a little bit of the bread and stayed up as long as they could, but eventually they fell asleep, and they did not dream at all that sleep.

I hope you guys liked that chapter!  It was so much fun to write!  It turns out, writing is more fun when you use a keyboard.  I have sooooo many ideas for the next chapter and for future chapters. Also techno comes in next chapter, so yeah :)

Word count: 2021;)


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