25-Dont Even Try It

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"How about we play a little game?" Damon was twirling a knife in his fingers as he stepped closer to me. His crazy eyes glaring into mine, "It's simply really, I like to call it 'Would you rather'" He smirked as he tapped the blade on my cheek. "If you play along I won't have to kill you."

I reluctantly nodded and I winced at the pain. My neck was soar from him constantly yanking on my chain. I was terrified at what this game would consist of, I've only been here two days and I already would prefer Dookus company than this monster.

"Perfect, now would you rather me stick a hot poker through your hand or put this knife through your eye." He raised the knife and held it a centimeter from my eye as he held a look of amusement.

Tears fell from my eyes, "Poker." I whimpered.

"Good choice." He walked to the other side of the room and brought a long metal rod that was sharp and red at the tip like he just pulled it from a fire. He grabbed my wrist and pressed it against the wall and I was sobbing from the fear of the pain. "Scream if you want, I quite enjoy it." With that being said he plunged the rod into my hand and I screamed so loud it echoed through the halls.

I shot up from my dream, it wasn't just a dream though, it was a memory. I immediately looked at my hand to see the mark that was left there, it wasn't fully healed but it was no longer painful. He didn't go through my hand all the way like expected but the burning pain was enough to get the blood curdling scream that he wanted.

I glanced to my right to see Anakin was still sleeping soundly, my sudden movements not waking him up.

I slowly pulled myself out of the bed, not to disturb him and I grabbed his robe from the hook and put it on. I left his room and made my way to mine, the hallways were empty so I wasn't worried about anyone seeing me. Once I reached my room I put on comfortable clothing then covered myself with a cloak. I exited my room and walked down the hallway passing Anakin's room.

I had someone I wanted to see.

I made my way to the prison cells where the worst of the worst were being held.

"I'm Jedi knight (y/n) (y/l/n)." I told the man at the entrance, "I need to see prisoner 31673." He nodded and gestured for me to enter the corridor. "Thank you."

I knew which one was hers before I even get there, there were two clones posted outside the cell. "Can I have a moment with the prisoner gentlemen?"

The sound of my voice caused Ventress to sit up from her bed and she glared daggers at me through the electronic shield. "Of course sir." They nodded and walked away giving us privacy. I pressed some buttons on the panel next to me causing the shield to lower so I could step inside. Her eyes darted behind me at the now open door.

"Don't even try it." I cautioned and she looked back to me with annoyance.

"I see you survived Scholath." She chuckled and leaned her back against the wall.

"Barely." I sneered through my teeth and I felt anger boil inside me. I did my best to calm myself down. "How could you do that to me? We may not have ever seen eye to eye but I didn't expect you to be that cruel."

She stood up walked to me angrily. "You killed our father!" She shouted and I had to stop myself from telling her that it wasn't me that did it but I had to keep Anakin's secret.

I tightened my fists, "Why do you even care, he never loved you." I saw pain flash through her eyes and I knew I hit a soft spot. "If anything I did you a favor, you could have been free Ventress, lived your life how you wanted to for once."

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