Part 1

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1 week ago...

He was disoriented, confused, and he had no idea where he was. Metal littered the ground all around him, and the air was filled with a burning stench. His ears rang, and his head was pounding... and he couldn't remember anything.

Why was he in this building that was still smoldering with heat? He looked around for another human being, and he quickly regretted what he found. There were other people around him, scattered throughout the remains of the building, but he doubted they were still alive... Some of them were missing half of their bodies.

Turning away from the carnage, he spotted an exit door a couple feet away from him that he quickly went towards. Maybe once he got outside, he'd be able to figure out what was going on.

As soon as he opened the door, the sun blinded him. He shielded his eyes and blinked multiple times to clear out the colorful vision he now saw and was met with more bodies and metal. The smell was a little better outside, but nothing was helping him make sense of his situation.

It looked like he was in the middle of a field? What was left of the building was surrounded by tall grass he could hardly see over, and the only exit appeared to be a gravel road leading away from the building. Not knowing what else to do, he began walking toward the road.

As he walked, he checked over his body. He must've been in there when it exploded, but why and how was he the only survivor? His clothes were singed and ripped, and he was dressed in all black like a fucking spy or something. His body ached everywhere, but he figured that was to be expected when you woke up in a building that had apparently exploded.

Feeling his clothes for a phone or a note proved unsuccessful, but what he did find had him stopping in his tracks. There were weapons... all kinds of weapons. He pulled out knives, some type of brass knuckle thing, and other items that he didn't even know what they were. Who the hell was he?

The crunching of gravel caught his attention, and he froze. His instincts screamed at him to run and hide, but why? It's not like he was the one who blew up the place... right?

He stood there frozen as two black SUVs come flying up the road. When they reached him, they slammed on their brakes, and a group of men quickly jumped out with their guns drawn. All he could do was stand there in quiet shock as he took in the group in front of him.

The men eyed him cautiously, and he could see the confusion in their eyes. He must've shared the same look as them because a giant man, who he could only describe as a leader, stepped to the front of the group.

Logically, he thought he should be scared, any normal human would be, but he wasn't... For some reason, he felt intense anger towards them.

"Oh Sehun."

His eyes flew to the leader before looking at the other men. When nobody moved, and they continued to watch him, he furrowed his eyebrows. Was the man talking to him? Was he Oh Sehun?

"Can you not talk?" The leader asks him, but he decides to stay quiet. Maybe this stranger could give him an idea of what was happening.

"Do you know where you are?... Do you know who you are?"

"Do you?" He finally allows himself to speak.

"I just said your name, didn't I?"

So, he was Sehun...

The men slowly begin lowering their weapons, and confusion clearly filled them as they looked at each other. The leader eyed him curiously, almost like he was analyzing him. It made him feel extremely uncomfortable.

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