She found Grey and I's union, therefore quite fitting. Mankind was so powerful because they had to face mortality, because they were bound to death. It was because of that they were allowed to live without restraint, to live in a world of color that never began to dull. Everyday was a new chance, a new beginning.

"Are you nervous?" Siena questioned, her brows pinching into a concerned scowl. I quickly shook my head.

"No," I murmured under my breath. Even though my heartbeat pounded in my ears, I knew it wasn't out of nervousness. I was anxious for it to happen. I was excited. The future Grey and I had mourned, we were about to have.

"Good. As Best Woman, I'd be a little concerned if you were," she smirked. "You'll do brilliantly," Siena assured me, pressing a kiss to my cheek before sauntering out the room.

I turned to Ravenna, giving her a tight lipped smile. She reached down and squeezed my hand tightly.

"The ceremony is going to start soon," she said gently. Ravenna was my Maid of Honor. I had Allison's name sewn in blue thread into the hem of my dress.

With a deep breath, I nodded as Ravenna led me from Grey's bathroom, down the wooden steps to the main floor. Through the windows from the living room, I could see the peninsula, white chairs lining the grass up to a wooden pedestal that stood at the edge of the cliff. There was where I saw him.

He stood stiffly atop the pedestal, clad in a dark grey suit and cerulean tie. His hair, normally disheveled, was slicked back and shone nearly blue in the diffuse light that bled from between the overcast clouds. He hadn't seen me yet. He stared coolly across the fifty or so chairs, seeming rather disinterested. However, I could hear his heart pounding as loudly as my own. I smiled at the sound.

I walked up to my fathers side, his silver eyes twinkling with tears as he watched me approach.

"You're beautiful, Jo," he stammered out through labored breaths. I could tell he was trying hard not to cry. Seeing him so emotional made my throat constrict, made me hold my breath tightly in my chest.

"Thanks dad," I smiled, blinking the tears away as quickly as I could. I glanced back towards Ravenna, who gave me a broad grin.

"It's time," she smiled and I nodded, gripping my fathers arm tighter.

As the violins began to play, I felt an eruption of goosebumps cascade across my skin. This was it. The moment I'd prayed for, the moment I'd mourned, the moment I'd dreamed of. Ravenna's dark eyes gave me one last glance, one twinkle of elation, before she strode out the front doors towards the peninsula. I watched her walk, bouquet of baby's breath and branches of pine in hand. Each step was measured to the beat of the music as she gracefully walked down the aisle towards the pedestal, taking her place at the left hand side. She turned to face the audience and I glanced up to my father. 

He didn't dare return the look. He had stopped his tears once before, I didn't know if he could the second time. 

So I swallowed and began to walk towards the doors, clutching my father's arm as tightly as I could. 

We left the house and turned towards the peninsula, and the moment we did, my eyes met Grey's. They were cerulean once more, glimmering with sunlight as they gazed back at me. I watched as tears brimmed those otherworldly eyes and he reached up with a hand, brushing the lone one that had strayed down his cheek. 

God, I loved him. 

I felt tears begin to sting against my own eyes as my gaze held his, each step sending my heart rate higher and higher. He was my destiny, my fate. I had believed my fate ended with the Reckoning, that I was destined to die in the war. I had been so wrong, so so wrong. I was destined to lead mankind towards a peaceful future with a beautiful man by my side, bound to me by heart and soul. I was destined for happiness. 

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