It's almost as if they have parted for you and the boy across from you as you see him in the same position you are.

He has brown hair and brown eyes and are particularly unique but pretty sense of style.

You begin to walk closer to him as he does you until you both stop in the centre of the rooftop in front of each other.


"Care to help me complete my bucket list" he says to you.


"It depends what it is?" You say back to him raising an eyebrow.


"Kissing a stranger at New Years" he says almost like he planned this all evening.


"He looks a bit lonely can't you do it with him?" You say nodding your head in the direction of an old man.


"I could but I've been looking at you all night" He says with a smirk on his face.


"Bit creepy..." You say to him with a smile.


"So will you?"


"It depends?"


"On what?" He says as you give him a pointed look.


"Please?" Bingo.

You cup his cheeks as the timer hits zero and whisper to him as the rest of the crown screams happy new year.

You then lean into him and press your lips onto his as every other couple on the roof does too.

You smile against him as you hear cries of joy and declarations of love.

"Happy new year stranger" you say again after pulling away from him.

He smiles with a blush on his face.

"Yeah, I think we'll have to change that" he states.

"And thank you by the way" he adds the small sentence and you give him a smile before you both turn to watch the fireworks going off above you.


So, you don't have to read this bit but I'd appreciate it if you do.

Thank you so much for everything you have done for me this year, truly you have made it better.

It may not seem like it, but a simple comment can change my mood completely and so if I'm sad I'll see a comment notification will pop up and it will be someone telling me they liked the imagine and it will warm my heart.

You have given me something to distract myself with during this terrible year and I could not be more grateful for that.

I'm so sorry if you have lost someone this year due to Covid-19 and I'm sending you all the love in my heart, I myself having experienced a death this year.

This is also why I encourage you to please stay inside and social distance and if you go out please wear a mask and follow the safety regulations your country has set for you as they have done it for a reason.

I have made so many friends this year from writing this book and I wanted to list out some but if you aren't on here please don't be offended and if you want to be friends let me know!

Sally W - one of my first friends and possibly one of the nicest people I've ever spoken to. freshevacadoagh

Mia S - to put it quite simply, one of the funniest people I've talked to :) idekwhattocallthiss

Louis_Partridge_Simp for always replying to my messages on my message board :)

eriinnnnnnnnnn for talking to me about the stress of GCSEs

All of my friends on the sc groupchat who hype me up when I post.

All of the lovely people who requested.

All of the people who encouraged me.

Everyone who voted.

Everyone who followed.

Everyone who defended me when I posted that one imagine iykyk let's not talk about it 😭💀.

And finally, I hope you have the best year ever next year because you deserve it.



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