Though Chanhee was better at force control, Hwall seemed to be strong, too strong. The reckless overthrow of power by Hwall was getting the best of Chanhee. Chanhee was too conscious of his surroundings, worried their fight might affect the others. Especially since they were at the edge of a cliff and there were people near. 

Chanhee managed a swift round-about kick at Hwall's head which left the latter dizzy. Chanhee took this opportunity to tackle him down but Hwall responded in time, blasting Chanhee into Haknyeon. 

"Hyung!!" Youngjae yelled, trying to run to him but got pulled back by Juyeon. Hwall chuckled as he walked towards the fallen duo. Haknyeon and Chanhee groaned.

"You okay?" Chanhee asked Haknyeon who just nodded, feeling the wind knocked out of him. Chanhee glared at Hwall. 

"I though you were better than this?" Hwall taunted. Haknyeon looked at him in disbelief. Hwall was acting very arrogant and cheeky. Hwall didn't stop as he conjured up a force orb in his palm. Chanhee scrambled in front of Haknyeon to cover him. He also conjured up his own force orb. 

The two gumihos stared down at each other as the force balls in their palms got bigger and stronger. Then they shot. 

It was blinding, the blast. The force clashing by the two gumihos. But none was hurt. 

Chanhee opened his eyes and moved his hands which were guarding him. He looked at Hwall in confusion who also had the same look. 

"Enough!" A voice bellowed. Everyone looked at the three newcomers. 

"Hwall! Wait, you're actually Hwall, right?" Youngjae said, running towards him and halting a bit. Hwall pouted but nodded.

"Whoa, this looks..... fun." YangYang said, walking up to the Hwall in front of Chanhee and smirking at him who smirked back.

Chanhee stared at Kun who walked to him calmly and bowed his head down. 

"I apologize for my teammate's behavior." He said. Chanhee kept a straight face. 

"Your teammate?" Kun nodded. 

"Kim Jungwoo. This is enough." He said, turning his head back slightly. Hwall rolled his eyes and changed back into his real persona, Jungwoo. 

Sunwoo stared at Jungwoo the whole time. So, he wasn't just a simple go-happy-guy he thought at first? Jungwoo noticed Sunwoo staring at him. Sunwoo got taken aback when Jungwoo sent him a little wink. 

"I don't know why your teammate feels the need to mess around with us. But I do know this is breaking the rules." Juyeon said. Kun turned to him. He looked Juyeon up and down and quirked his lips ever so slightly.

"Of course. I understand. But Jungwoo has always been one to seek fun even in serious situations. It is his nature. I apologize the troubles he might have caused. But I believe you would understand." He said, turning back to Chanhee. 

"He is still breaking the rules of this competition." Juyeon wanted to speak more but Kun had his back to him. Chanhee narrowed his eyes at Kun ignoring Juyeon. 

"I think we had enough here." Chanhee spoke after a while. He walked away. Haknyeon and Youngjae followed immediately. Juyeon was standing, still looking at the back Kun who was ignoring him. Youngjae had to pull him away. 

Sunwoo also followed the others. But not before making a final eye contact with Jungwoo. 

"Bye bye!" YangYang waved his hands at them, smiling brightly. 

After they left, YangYang put his hands down and turned to Jungwoo who was picking at his fingers. 

"Seriously?" He said. Jungwoo smiled at him. 

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