"No punishments at all. I want to hug you too, I want to hold you... Hearing you sound like that is breaking my heart. Theo..." He whimpers himself and I open the door.

He stared down at me for a while. Looked at me and I saw the evident anger flash in his eyes. It was almost so obvious that I thought he'd lose it on me.

Except he rushes towards me and hugs me close. He hugged me so close that I felt like I was going to become one with him. It was kind of him to hug me and not be mad about my injuries.

They weren't intentional injuries, but it was something.

"You know I have to kill him, right?"

I look up, seeing Ezra look down at me with the most serious look. He didn't falter in expression and I look away from him.

"I don't think-."

"He hit you, Theo." Ezra interrupts me, causing me to grin awkwardly. "How could anyone want to hit your winsome face?"

That was a different word...a different way to call me attractive - innocently attractive.

"I don't...I don't know." Is all I say, and he grins. "It is my bad... I made him angry with saying I'd speak to you. When did you give him half of the debt? You even took his house? How far have you gone?"

"Not far enough." Ezra sneers, running his thumb over my injured lip that was healing moderately. "It's like he wants to die by my hands."

I see him pull back from me and he shakes his head in a disapproval.

"I'm not sure why Stellan is here either...but he didn't come here for me - I'm going to tell you that right now." Ezra tells me, and I feel bad for him. Except he walks towards one of Remi's jackets.

I see him pick it up, examining it. He stared at it as if an alien owned such a thing. Only for him to swallow a lump in his throat it seemed.

"Listen, I know what they're doing." He looks at me now, and he still held Remi's jacket. "There's a rule that was placed by our father's parents. Our father had another brother as well, and my uncle was to be Head Alpha. Until our father met our mother and ended up having a child before him."

I nod, not really understanding where he was going with this.

"The rule is that whoever has a royal heir first is to be Head Alpha. He was already made Head Alpha, but I could always usurp that power... If I have a child before Xavion-."

"Wait." I interrupt him angrily, glaring at him as I started to understand what he was saying. "You wouldn't dare..."

"Listen, if I was to have a child before Xavion I could get my revenge. I knew as soon as I saw you that long ago that I wanted you to be a part of this plan-."

"Ezra no!" I shout at him, and he sets Remi's jacket down. "You're really asking me to have a child for you so that you can take down your brother? Is that what you spoke about yesterday? How people are your pawns in taking down your brother... Was this it...? I'm a pawn-!"

"Not a pawn! You're the King piece in all of this. Without you this all fails. I need you to do this for me." He begs me now, and I shook my head.

"I am only here for the debt! I didn't come here for you to do this! I do not...want to be any part in your plan! This...this isn't fair." I whimper, rushing to a bag and start to rummage through it.

I am being used every person I meet!

I met Trenton...was used in the end to handle his debt. Used by friends when I was younger. I meet Ezra and I still am being used! It's an undermining way of being used...

His Beta of Submission Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora