Then you could hear two pairs of heels clacking their way to the group.

The team was surprised to see Pepper Potts and a woman walk their way towards them.

Pepper was wearing black dress pants and a white blouse and the other woman was wearing a gray suit and tie.

"Tony! What are you doing? You have a meeting!" Pepper said while the woman was on a StarkPhone.

Pepper looked and saw Peter. She froze. Once she recovered from her shocked state she ran over to him and exclaimed "I thought you were coming here in 3 months from now! What are doing here Petey-Pie??"

At the name 'Petey-Pie' the other woman looked up and stared, shocked

"Don't you guys want me here? Dad was surprised. And now my own mother and girlfriend too?!! Maybe I should just go back..." Peter trailed off jokingly.

Pepper apparently did not like that joke because she slapped him on the shoulder and said "Don't you ever say that I don't want you here Petey"

Peter paled and then stumbled back; Pepper had rushed into his arms and started sobbing into his shoulder. "I love you. My baby is home!" She said, softly.

Peter hugged her back and started crying, "I love you too Mom."- he noticed the tears running down his face and the said - "Dang it Mom! You made me cry!"

Pepper looked up at him and wiped his tears away with the pad of her thumb.

The other woman came up to her and punched him in the shoulder, hard. "How dare you not tell me you were coming home Loser?! Do you know how worried I was?!? I swear to god mmhp-" the woman was cut off my Peter kissing her on the lips.

"That was the only to shut you up MJ!" Peter said hugging her while MJ playfully gave him a death stare.

"But out of curiosity, what made you come early and what's with the hair? What happened to your straight hair?" Tony said,

"Well to answer your first question, they let me off early so I decided to come home. And my hair.. well I sort of got it blown off during a practise run with the planes and it grew like this." Peter mumbled

"WHAT?!?" Pepper, Tony and the woman, MJ, screamed.

"Yeah well, whatever. I like it like this." Peter shrugged.

Peter hugged his family and said "I'll be right back. I'm gonna go shower and change." He picked up his stuff and left the room.

The rouges didn't know what to do so they just stood there awkwardly.

"I can't believe he's home. And Loser didn't tell us!" MJ said

"I know. But I don't really care Bambi is home." Tony said while Pepper said "Yeah. Petey is home so nothing else really matters."

The three of them continued chatting for about 10ish minutes, still not acknowledging the rouges,  until Peter came into the room, wearing some black joggers and a Star Wars hoodie.

"Well, you look comfortable!" MJ said gesturing to his clothes. Peter nodded and then wrapped his arms around her and leaned his head on Pepper.

He suddenly remembered the other people in the room because he said "What are you guys doing here? What do you need? And why did you try to kill me?"

Pepper and MJ looked at him in confusion while Tony looked at him alarmed.

"Tried to kill you?! Who tried to kill you?" He yelled.

"Meh, don't worry about it. I took her down easily." Peter said, nonchalantly while he pointed to the rouges.

"What are you doing here guys? You're supposed to be here on Friday." Tony said

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