Ch. 21: High heels

Start from the beginning

"Where are you heading?" he asked.

"Frank's Pizza Palace."

"Okay. Dorothy? Take her bag. Mia? Jump on my back."

"No! Benjamin!"

"No discussion."

"You better listen to the boy," auntie Dorothy said strictly, although still with laughter bubbling inside of her. She grabbed my bag, which contained the outfit I was going to wear later that night.

"Mia?" Benjamin said, and placed himself in front of me. And with a deep sigh of defeat I did as they said, and held back a moan because of how good it felt to get the weight off my feet.

His arms felt so strong underneath my bottom, and his shoulders felt massive between my arms as I clung to him like a monkey. With firm strides he took me down the street, carrying me like I didn't weigh anything at all. And he refused to put me down until we'd found a table at the cozy, and not too big, pizza place that obviously belonged to a guy named Frank. And according to the sign outside, he had a mustache, a funny hat with curls sticking out from underneath and a big belly.

"That really wasn't necessary, but thank you," I said, not able to hide how grateful I really was. Way more than I wanted to admit.

"Any time," Benjamin grinned.

Then we heard my aunt hum knowingly behind us.

"If the two lovebirds can move a little, then maybe I can sit down as well. I feel like a donkey here, carrying everything on my own."

Both Benjamin and I stepped away from each other, startled at how it probably looked for people around us. And both of us were blushing profusely.

"Auntie! We're not together! We're just friends."

I felt Benjamin's presence freeze next to me, which caused me to look at him. His eyes were wide and searching, and I gave him a tiny smile in return. I bit my lip for a second before I nodded.

"You mean..." he said, and I looked down.

"Friends," I stated, and he beamed towards me. Then he tried to act a little calmer.

"So... I need to get going. I have some errands to run, and I... Uhm. See you tonight, then?"


"Great. Pick you up at seven."

"I'll be ready."

Benjamin waved goodbye and left, and I sat down on one of the chairs and picked up the menu on the table. Auntie Dorothy kept staring at me with a smirk that threatened to reach all around her head.

"What?" I exclaimed at last, a tiny bit annoyed.

"Just friends... That's the biggest lie I've heard in a long time."

"But it's true!"

She just kept smirking while studying her menu.

"How about beef and pineapple?"

"Pineapple has no business being on a pizza," I muttered. Auntie Dorothy just chuckled.

"Beef, olives, mushrooms and extra cheese, then?"

"Why beef?"

"It's no pizza without proper beef."

I wanted to giggle, but I was still grumpy.


"And you two more than just friends."

"We're not."

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