34: Drama

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"Itraveledintime," Yoongi babbled real fast.

"And we helped him," Jin and Hoseok stated at the same time.

"And because of them using the wrong magic, the fairies were able to go back in time to screw my people up," I said weakly.

 "So in other words..." Jimin started talking. "Everything is Yoongi's fault?" He said with a venenous tone. 

No one answered that the room went deadly silent for a second.

"Actually. Yeah, he helped the fairies indirectly... but they were going to open a portal themselves." JB said in a neutral way.

"Why did you travel in time?" HeeYoung asked frowning.

Yoongi looked at her terrified.

"Yeah Yoongi, why?" Jimin said as he narrowed his eyes at the wolf king.

Yoongi took a deep breath finally stopping being a coward. He turned to look at HeeYoung. "Because I fucked up here. To the point in which my mistakes could not be repaired..." 

Jimin pulled Miyoung close to him in a possessive way. 

The biggest love triangle I've ever witnessed.

HeeYoung looked at Miyoung and Jimin for a split second before she turned to look at Yoongi.

Now that I'm able to compare both of them, I was right. They are completely different.

HeeYoung, from start, is a werewolf. She has medium-length hair that is naturally curled... Miyoung is a vampire, naturally as pale as a sheet of paper... perfect porcelain skin; her hair reaches her mid-thigh and it is straight, rather a vampire quality. They both have completely different fashion styles.
HeeYoung is wearing a baby pink poodle skirt with white polka dots along with a white turtleneck and black heels.
Miyoung is wearing black ripped jeans and a T-shirt.

I know it could be that they come from different times but still... they don't look like the same person.  

"So you traveled in time..." Miyoung started talking looking to the floor. "To make things right?" 

Yoongi's gaze never leaves HeeYoung's. "Yes."

"How selfish of you," Jimin says through gritted teeth.

Actually... I don't blame him. I would like to go back in time to take off that necklace that hid me from Jin...

Yoongi sighed. "I know. But I couldn't stand it."

"So..." Miyoung turned to look at Hoseok and Jin. "When you guys told me that Yoongi had left to a better place, this is what you guys referred to?"

"Yep," both wolves answered at the same time.

Jin sighed, making his breath tickle my neck. "I couldn't stand it Miyoung. He was painfully dying day by day. A wolf without its mate is nothing once they find them."

Miyoung looked mad. She was on the verge of tears. "Well, Joseon HeeYoung, I am King Yoongi... and I own you now," she said, clearly remembering something out loud.

The room fell silent, once again.

I know Yoongi doesn't want to tell HeeYoung how badly he treated Miyoung back in the 1900s... 
I'm sure after this they will go through a rough time. All I hope is for them to go past it. I really do hope the best for them.

-ˋˏ ༻✿༺ ˎˊ-

I'm woken up by Yejun's cries. I quickly take him in my arms ready to breastfeed him.

I notice that in the room is just Jin, Yejun, and I. Everyone else is long gone... I fell asleep at some point...

Jin hugs me from behind. My back is leaning against his chest. His warmth embraces me... with him next to me, I no longer feel weakness or pain. HeeYoung knew, but it isn't a surprise since she has two kids.

"How are they doing?" I asked referring to Yoongi and HeeYoung.

Jin sighed. "Terrible. HeeYoung and Miyoung are in the library talking while Jimin is laying down sleeping and Yoongi is crying on a corner clinging to his children while they sleep peacefully. 

A shiver goes down my spine. "We need to get them back... they can't be here."

"I know. Thankfully, the fairies that hunted them down are back here. The plan is to get them back and destroy the wormhole..."

"When will all this be over?" I asked tired of everything.

He pulls me closer to him. Yejun falls back asleep. Jin leans over my shoulder to rest his head there.

"Soon. I promise. We just need to kill the queen of the fairies now."

I chuckled. "Sounds so simple..." I trail off.

"Perhaps it is." I look at him confused. "With a dagger."

My eyes widened. "A dagger? I have a lot of them in my purse."

He shakes his head. "Not any dagger..." he takes a deep breath. "There was a dagger in the chest... it was made by a wizard, the dagger can kill anything... Jeon Daewon."

I gasped. "Jeon Jaewha's brother! WAIT! W-was he the s-skeleton?"

He nodded with sadness. "He was killed by fairies and left there to be forgotten. By the time he 'disappeared' he had a wife and three children."

"He left a line of successors..."

"By agreement of the Jeon family...magic beings and vampires, it was decided that Jungkook may have the dagger as he is a warrior, unlike his cousin that only wants a simple life as a witch. He will lend the dagger to Jimin so he can end the queen."

I took a deep breath. "When is he going to kill her...?" 

"As soon as he is in good condition." 

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