26: Two magic brothers

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I could feel Jin's discomfort through our bond as he couldn't sense me as his mate anymore. My necklace thankfully did a perfect job in concealing my baby and me as simple humans.

I know as long as I am with Jin, I'm safe. These last couple of weeks in which we were doing nothing in the past, we would sit in front of each other staring deeply into each other's eyes as we talked about many things. As I felt safe in the Purple Province, I answered all his questions and he did the same. It was a great time to bond. 

Even if Jin is upset, I promised to make it up to him once we are back in the province.

This entire time, Bastet, Digaco, and Rogebd have been inside my magic purse for safety. With them walking around, I could be detected because they use magic... weaker but now that the fairies are watching for any trace of magic, they are dangerous. Magic cats are still majorly owned by us so they could expose where we are.

"We are here," Jin says relaxed. 

We both get out of the car. As Jin's car is already known around here, we are allowed inside right away.

Instead of having the monarchs welcome us like last time, two young boys stand in front of us welcoming.

"Jungkook," Jin says softly to one of them. I turn to look at the young boy with black raven hair.

My eyes widened a bit in surprise as I feel like I have Jaewha in front of me, but then again, he is his direct descendant.

Jungkook smiles. "Hello, Hyung!" He greets happily. He turns to look at me a second before he bows politely.

I do the same and then I bow to the other young man.

He flashes me a perfect boxy smile. "Hello! I'm Kin Taehyung," he presents himself cutely.

"I'm Amanda." I don't say my last name in case someone hears it but they don't seem bothered by this at all.

"King Jimin is out right now but you can wait here-" Jungkook started saying but he stopped talking when I shook my head.

"Actually... Jungkook, I would like to talk to you about something important."

He looks at me taken aback yet he nods. Taehyung turns to look at Jungkook for a split second before he leaves us three alone.

We go to talk to the living room. Jin possessively makes me sit on his lap. 

"In what can I help?" The young boy asks.

I take the medallion out of my purse and then I hold it up so he can see it. He leans in to see. After two seconds, his brows knit together.


I feel hopeful. "Have you seen it before?" 

He nods still confused. "I have one like that... it is different t but it has the same concept. It is an object that has been in my family for generations... passed down to generation in generation."

I nodded. "I got this one from your very distant cousin."

"What?!" He starts to mutter to himself. "A distant cousin...?" 

I nod. I turn to look at Jin who just nods his head signaling that it is safe here.

"Back in medieval times, there were two magic brothers." Jungkook sat on the floor looking up to me as if I was his granny telling him a fairy tale, the only different thing is that both of us know that I'm stating facts. "One of them was destinated to a vampire and the other was destinated to continue his legacy in their hometown..." I took a deep breath. "Jeon Jaewha-"

Before I can continue, he gasps. "Wait! I know him... he's alive!"

I facepalm myself. "Of course... he is a vampire." I chuckle. "Well, he and his brother made two medallions that if used together, can take you to the most powerful sword ever created... actually, Jaewha was the one that created it..."

"So with the other medallion..." I nodded. His eyes widened. "I-I have the other medallion... but I would like to bring my grandpa..."

How cute of him... he calls him grandpa.

"Yes, bring him here." 

After he leaves, Jin and I are the only ones left here. I laughed out of nowhere.

Jin chuckled. "What?"

"For some reason, I thought Jaewha would be dead."

Jin snorted. "Me too... but he was destinated to be with a vampire..."

My eyes widen out of nowhere. "Wait! He is a hybrid isn't he?"

Jin opens his mouth to answer but he is cut off by the door opening.

"I am a hybrid," a familiar voice answers calmly. "And you are one of my people, young lady," he states smiling. "It is good to finally see one of you once again. It's been centuries." 

I stand up. "Sir... I have the Black Animated Killer." I say in the secret code to refer to the sword.

His eyes widen. "You do?" 

"I'm its guardian."

Jaewha looks just like Jungkook... I would be a bit confused if it wasn't because of the way they both dress.

"Jungkook, give her the familiar medallion. She will need it." Jungkook nods his head before he disappears to get it. 

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