30: Start and End

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As soon as my eyes open, I start to feel pain in my lower region. I take a sharp breath to endure a wave of pain that goes through me as fast as it came.

Don't tell me...


I sit up way too fast but I ignore the dizziness.

"Thank god..." An elf says under her breath before she runs around the room.

I look around trying to understand what is going on. The last thing I remember is my spell being broken...

"Focus on giving birth," Jin says in my ear with a soft yet firm voice. "Let the rest to everyone else. Nothing will happen to you and the baby as I am with you."

"Wear this," a girl a bit younger hands me a hospital gown.

Through my pain, I quickly put the gown on with Jin's help. 

Everyone but Jin are females in the room. I know JB is in the house so there is nothing to worry about. I don't know what the hell is going on outside these walls but just as Jin said, that is not our problem right now.

I lay back down on the bed. Soon after, the four midwives I have in the room are ready.

I always thought I would give birth peacefully in a hospital but guess like the witch I am, nothing is normal. 

"Jin..." I call under my breath. "Get Rogedb here."

He nods his head before opening my purse to let her out. She looks around half a second because she starts casting minor but successful protection spells.

"I will not let anyone harm my mistress!" She said to herself.

"Amanda, it's the time!" Someone I couldn't focus on said.

I understood right away. I took a deep breath before a contraction hit me. With the pain at its peak, I started to push for dear life. 

I'm pretty sure Jin's hand hurts as I'm squeezing it way too much but he does not complain.

My vision is getting blurry but I can't blackout... not again. I must do this.

"I can see the head!" 

"Thank God!" I say screaming. I know if this was a different situation, everyone would have laughed but right now... as a new life is given, one is lost.

My core is getting ripped apart and I just want this TO END.

I know the crown of his head is already out because the pain in the area is worse. I feel like someone is stabbing and burning me at the same time in that area. 

After one last push, I felt my baby getting out. A strong feeling of relief and euphoria took over the immense pain I was feeling. I took a deep breath as I pushed the placenta out. 

"It's a healthy baby boy!" Someone in the room announced with joy.

He was cleaned and then given to me naked. I lowered the hospital gown to have my baby skin-to-skin. It didn't matter that my chest was naked as only midwives (used to it) and Jin were in the room. 

After a minute of my baby resting on my chest, he calmed down. 

Once everyone was sure I was good, everyone but Jin left the room to spread the news in the house. 

Jin leaned down to peck my lips before he leaned down to see our baby that was already clinging to me.

My heart fluttered as I saw Jin smiling like a fool. He kissed our baby's forehead.

"What should we name it?" I say in a whisper. 

His eyes lit up as he thinks.

I've been kind of a bitch from the start with him... all he has done is protect me and our son.

"Yejun..." he said as he looked at our baby.

I smiled like a fool. "Talen and handsome?" 

"Just like his father," Jin stated with pride.

I looked down at my baby boy. "Yejun." 

Yejun all by himself moves towards my boob. I got the message right away. Thankfully without difficulties, I started to breastfeed. 

In the middle of this moment, someone knocked on the door. 

"Put the blanket over me," I said to Jin who did that right away.

The blanket HeeYoung gave me was put on over my shoulders by Jin to cover me and Yejun. 

Jin walked to open the door. JB stood on the other side with a worried face.

"I know it is the worse time but we need to get Amanda out of here," he said worried as heck. 

Jin nodded before closing the door. I finished feeding Yejun right away, thankfully he didn't complain.

I wrapped Yejun around with the blanket before I put on a hoodie. Jin helped me put on my underwear and sweatpants.

With the adrenaline and hormones my body was producing, I didn't feel much pain but I knew it was a matter of time. 

I held Yejun close to me as Jin got out of the room to see what was going on.

I heard a loud 'thud' making me startle right away. I knew it wasn't Jin as he was standing on the door frame. Jin cursed under his breath before he turned to look aside.

"You take them out of here, I'll stop them."

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