"The Weasley's moved to Romania, after Charlie left Hogwarts, they didn't see a point in staying there. The rest of the boys went to Durmstrang, Ginny was homeschooled by molly."

"So if they all went to Durmstrang, that means that my mom and dad never got together?" My voice wobbles at the thought of them not being together. Without them I wouldn't have my brothers, without them, I wouldn't be here.

"Unfortunately yes. None of the Weasley's married the people they were supposed to."

I look down at my hands. They're shaking, because of the adrenaline running through my veins. A few weeks ago, I would've gladly agreed to get rid of my family, and now that they're gone, I have nothing left. I feel a single tear run down my cheek. I get up and walk outside, trying not to let the marauders notice my fears.

A hand lifts up my chin, and as I look up I see Teddy, an all too familiar face, yet he probably has no clue who I am.

"That's enough Alex." He says behind him, while still looking at me. I look at him with confusion, when all off a sudden, the house that was different in so many ways, reverts to it's original design.

The marauders (excluding James) and Tonks step out of the house. They all transform into other people, in the blink of an eye.

Remus is suddenly my brother, Albus. Sirius is now my other brother, James. And Tonks is now Reggie.

"What the hell." I step back, scarred of what just happened.

"I can explain." Alex steps forward, trying to grab me, but I just keep stepping back from him.

"So explain." My voice is still shaking, but I can somehow compose myself.

"We needed to show you what the present would look like, if you came back after messing everything up."

"Me! I didn't mess anything up! You're the ones who needed to go back for your own selfish reasons! I was trying to help!"

"We know that, but after I helped Alex try and force you to do the unbreakable vow, we both realized that what we were doing, was wrong. It's why we left Alex there, he sacrificed himself, to stay back and make sure everything plays out like it was supposed to." During this speech, Reggie steps forward - and grips my arms.

"So nothing's changed?"

"Nothings changed, Luke doesn't know that we kept it the same, so we need to try convince him that it's a bad idea, he's so fixed on doing it, that he's blinded himself to the reality of it."

"We need to go now?"

"As soon as possible, though I do think that you should thank Teddy, he's the one who helped us with this."

I look back at Teddy, who is talking to my other brothers. I look down at the ground once again, trying to clear my head, before I tell the guys that I'll be back soon.

"I'm sorry." I say simply, when I walk up to Teddy.

"I know you are. You tried to help, but you can't undo the past." Teddy grabs my shoulders and pulls me into a hug.

"I didn't know what I was doing."

"Now you can see, please just come to us for help next time okay?"

"So everyone still hates me?"

"No, nobody hates you."

Teddy and James both speak at the same time. Teddy glares at janes before turning to me.

"Ignore him. They just misunderstand you, once they know how much those boys manipulated you, they'll be okay again."

"But I don't want that."

"What do you mean?"

"I can't just tell them I'm not bad, and expect them to understand and forgive me. I need to show them, but I'll do it in my own time. Please don't mention anything to them yet."

"Okay, but you should know that Alex sent a letter to hermione, she's raiding the castle at midnight - she wants to catch Luke Longbottom. He's a danger to everyone at the school."

"Well that gives us 2 hours to find him and try change his mind."

"Good luck."

"I met your father." He looks at me, with an interested, yet scared expression. "He was scared you were like him, the whole werewolf thing. You didn't even exist and he loved you so much."

Teddy smiles at me once again, hugs me, and nudges me to go off with Reggie and Alex.

"Let's go." I say as I walk past the guys toward grandpas flying car.

AMORTENTIA // Luke Patterson  *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now