The moment Juhi saw Harsha watching her bizarrely, she realised the blunder she did. She had made a clown out of herself by breaking into the wrong house.

Did he by any chance see her being chased by that sick dog? The controlled smile on his face hinted yes. His mouth had quirked upwards, smothering a laugh. This was going to be a lifetime embarrassment for her. Why god, why? Why was it her always? She facepalmed her luck while her face heated up in shame. She so wished the ground to open up & swallow her as whole right away.

"Hi" Juhi greeted Harsha awkwardly after what that felt like hours of silence. She walked towards him slowly, counting every next step taken. She didn't know why but her nervousness suddenly exceeded sky limits. The absurd look in his face reduced her confidence level to zero.
After contemplating a lot last night, she had finally decided to disclose the truths to Aadyanth's brothers & seek help from them. For her, they were the safest option. But her clumsiness had got her tongue tied even before she could begin the conversation.

Harsha just nodded his head in acknowledgement. Juhi shifted on her heels, smiling at him for which he smiled back at her. He wanted to know the purpose of her visit but he decided to wait until she would tell it her own.

Meanwhile Juhi expected him to speak or the least invite her inside. It was not like she was there to steal his house or property. She wasn't any intruder. But he made no moves & stood like a firm block as he hindered her sight with his towering height.

"Can we talk?" Juhi spoke again expecting an answer this time. Harsha just hummed in reply. She was clearly pissed off with his shortened gestures. Why wouldn't he just open his damned mouth & say a yes? He was acting as if that would cost him the world. Dumb idiot!

"Did I offend you in any way that you have vowed to not talk to me?" Juhi remarked sarcastically with an irritated frown etched on her face.

"No, no.. It is not like that. You can tell me, I'm listening" Harsha cleared his throat whilst glancing over his own shoulder. He never meant to belittle her. That wasn't his intention. It was that, he had never been comfortable around strangers, especially girls. He was an utter disaster in impressing women unlike both his brothers who had mastered the art of it with flying colours. Juhi realising how uneasy & stiff he had turned in her presence, decided to drop the topic so as to not bother him furthermore.

"I want to go somewhere & I want you guys to accompany me. I will tell you everything on the way. Can you call your twin out? Please it is urgent" She voiced in a go as her eyes watched him expectantly.

Harsha had no idea, what she was talking about. He neither knew why they were being asked to accompany her. She came out of nowhere & even before he could comprehend it, she was asking them to follow her. He eyed her cluelessly.

"It is about your brother & Sonakshi" Juhi added sensing his dilemma. She had drawn a schedule overnight on what all to be done today. All she needed was an additional helping hand to carry it on without any glitches. It was hard for her to frame her mind against Sonakshi. She wanted to reconcile with her best friend & get the truths out instead of planning behind her back. But it was the matter of a life; something she had never done before. Thus she wasn't willing to take any chances.

Harsha's insides clenched painfully at the hint of his brother. Aadyanth's absence had created an enormous void in his routine. He had turned into a living corpse. It was emptiness everywhere. He ate, he slept, he smiled, but not from heart. It was all an act to distract Rohaan. He was at the verge of losing his sanity. At this point, he doubted if he was ready to entertain talks with a stranger. Sonakshi's name was a major put off for him. He didn't despise her but something about her was retractive. She meant a bad news or a next trouble & he wasn't in a position to take more of it.

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