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When Donghyuck opened his eyes, he wasn't in his room anymore.

He was in someone's bedroom, that was for sure, but he didn't recognize it.

It was a clean area. The floor was clear, and everything was in order. The only thing that was messed up were the blankets on the bed, which Donghyuck was lying in.

A sense of panic set in as he examined the situation.

Why was he in some stranger's bed?

Where even was he?

Did he get kidnapped?

Who was the kidnapper?

Even though the whole situation was strange, there was something specifically weird about it that the tan boy couldn't quite place his finger on.

Deciding it would be best to stay calm, he tried to control his breathing and formulate a plan out of here. He was searching for an exit when he finally recognized the familiar hazy and muddled feeling he was experiencing.


He was dreaming.

All of the fear and panic left as he laid back on the bed with a sigh. He had been having some vivid dreams these past few weeks, and this seemed to be one of them.

There was something nagging at him in the corner of his mind that he couldn't quite place.

He remembered something about his dreams being unpleasant, but what?

It's not like anything gruesome happened to him in them, and they weren't obscure and hard to decipher, so what was it that made him dread sleep?

Hearing footsteps nearing the door, the answer suddenly clicked in his mind.

"Oh heavens, please not him." He said the words with distaste, eyeing the door as an uneasy feeling washed over him.

He fought the urge to jump out the closeby window as a figure entered the room.

"Love! You're awake!" The dreaded male exclaimed, giving Donghyuck a huge smile. "I made us some breakfast, it's waiting downstairs."

The tan boy couldn't help but glare. "I am not your love, Mark."

Surprised by the comment, the Canadian made his way closer, taking a seat on the bed to play with the younger's hair. "What are you talking about? You are, and always will be!"

Pushing his way out of the embrace, Donghyuck rolled off the bed, putting as much distance between him and the other as he could. "Lies! Maybe in this sick dream world we're together, but I hate real-life you!"

It was true. Every time Donghyuck saw the Canadian at school, a strong sense of hostility took over him.

Mark was confused by the comment, but also a little hurt. "Hyuck, what on earth do you mean?"

dreams 》 markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now