Chapter 1

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"Kaycee, we are going to be late for our reservation!"

"I'm coming. I'm coming!" I said as I was slipping on my shoes. It was our last night in Las Vegas. We decided to take a spur of the moment trip for the weekend.

    "I wonder if we will meet anyone tonight." Brooke said as she was applying her Bounce Tarte lip gloss in the mirror beside the door.

    "Brooke, it's our last night here. We are going to dinner and then coming back here. Why would you even want to meet someone right before we leave anyways?" I rolled my eyes at her. She was the queen of meeting a guy and having her quick flings and then being gone. She never wanted to settle down.

    "Because it's fun." She shrugged. " Now are you ready?"

    "Yes, I'm ready. I sighed and grabbed my Kate Spade clutch as we headed out the door.

    Brooke and I have been best friends since we were young. Everyone in high school knew us as the blonde and brunette dynamic duo. When we graduated we moved into a small apartment together. We went to college together and graduated together. She was with me throughout every major life event; when I broke my collar bone trying to do a front handspring on the trampoline, when my grandmother passed away, and when I caught my boyfriend of 3 ½ years cheating on me with his best friend's girlfriend. I was so thankful to have her, even if she did drag me into some crazy situations sometimes.

    "That was literally the best meal I have ever had." Brooke said as we were leaving the Chart House.

    "It was really good." I smiled as I pulled my phone out of my clutch. "So are we walking back to the room or do I need to call an Uber?"

    "I thought we could walk around and see what else is close by." She grinned. "It's our last night and I really don't want to go back to the room yet." She spun in a circle and threw her hands in the air.

    "Well, what would you rather do?" I caved. I always cave.

    "I want to go dancing. We look way too hot to not go dancing."

    I started googling places to go dancing. "Brooke, everywhere to go dancing is at least an hour long walk from here. Maybe I should just call us an Uber."

    "By the time we found an Uber we could have walked there. Come on! Live a little." At this point she was walking way ahead of me. A girl on a mission.

    "Okay, well wait for me!" I said as I was fumbling to get my phone back into my clutch. Then all of a sudden it felt like I ran into a brick wall and I was on the ground.

    "Oh my gosh. I am so sorry! Are you okay?" The guy standing over top of me said.

    "Dang dude. Watch where you're going." I heard someone say behind him.

    "Uh yeah. I am fine." I barely looked up at whoever I had just pummeled into. Partly because I was embarrassed and also because I realized that my entire clutch had just dumped out. I looked ahead and Brooke was still walking in the opposite direction. She had literally no idea what had just happened behind her.

    "Are you sure? I really should have been paying more attention." He said as he knelt down and handed  me my room key.

    "I think it was my fault. I wasn't watching where I was going. Thanks for helping me." I said. He helped pull me to my feet. I didn't really stop and look at him, but I gave him a quick smile and said, "Well, thanks again." And I started jogging towards Brooke. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and that guy was still standing there talking to a few other guys.

"Brooke!" I yelled as I got closer.

She spun around. "Why in the world are you running? You're going to break your neck in those shoes."

"You left me back there!"

"I didn't know you stopped."

"Well, I didn't. I fell down."

"You fell down? Are you okay?" She stopped and started looking all around me. "How much did you drink at the restaurant?"

"Seriously? Some guy ran into me walking out of a hotel. I was looking down and we just collided." I said slamming my hands together.

"Oh dang. Are you okay?"

"Yes. I am fine. I think my ego is a little bruised but I will be fine."

"Do you just want to grab a taxi back to the hotel room? I don't really want to walk to go dancing."


"I'm tired and you're right. It's our last night here. We should get all of our stuff together since we are leaving tomorrow."

"If you're really sure you don't want to go."

Brooke didn't say anything. She just walked over and hailed down a taxi. We got in and told the driver to take us back to the hotel. Brooke's whole attitude had changed.

When we got back to the room Brooke walked straight to her room and didn't say anything. I went to the bathroom and started taking my makeup off trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong with Brooke. Everything was fine and then by the time I had caught up with her her entire mood had changed. Since I didn't know what was wrong I decided to call down to room service and ordered some desserts and wine. Nothing would get her talking faster.

"Brooke, I ordered room service!" I yelled after they brought it up.

I heard her door open. "What did you order?"

"Oh, just some chocolate brownies, ice cream, and some wine. Nothing you'd want anyways." I said, as I started opening the wine.

"Now wait just a second. Who said I wouldn't want any?" She ran over and grabbed a spoonful of mint chocolate chip ice cream. "Mmmm, my favorite!"

"I wasn't sure if you'd want anything since you wanted to come back to the room so quickly. What happened?" I said and I handed her a glass.


"Don't lie. You don't have to tell me, but don't lie about it."

She stuck her tongue out at me. "Don't pull out your teacher tricks on me."

"I'm not." I laughed.

"Okay, fine. Do you want to know what's wrong?"

"Yes!" I said with my mouth full of brownie.

"I was scrolling through my newsfeed and he's getting married." She said and her eyes filled up with tears.

"Who's getting...oh. I am so sorry, Brooke." She was talking about her ex boyfriend. They were together for a little over a year and then one day he told her that he just didn't love her anymore. He didn't cheat or anything, he just changed his mind. Which may have been more hurtful at the time. She couldn't get mad at him or anything. He was open and honest. It broke her heart. She had thought he was the one. She would have bet everything on it. Then one day she was on her own again. It took her awhile to bounce back from that and even now she doesn't typically go on more than one date with someone. She is scared of getting close to anyone.

"I want to be happy for him." She said sipping her wine.

"You don't have to be happy for him. You are allowed to be upset. He hurt you." She laid her head on my shoulder.

"Boys suck."

"Yes, they really do." We sat there quietly for a few minutes and then I jumped up and grabbed the bottle of wine and started topping off our glasses. "Now it's our last night in Las Vegas. We are not going to spend it crying. Now turn on the music and drink your wine."

We clanked our glasses and spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing.

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