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Because of the whole "Taeil had run away" thing going on, Bora's father had to change his announcement of Taeil acquiring the CEO position to Bora's successful partnership with Jung Enterprise. It wasn't the ideal way of her father bragging about her achievement but that'll do.

Besides, she has bigger fish to fry than her father's obvious favoritism towards Taeil. There isn't favoritism anymore now that Taeil's disappeared.

Now, they're all in Moon Hajoon's study, discussing how they're going to deal with all of this.

"It won't be long until people notice the heir to Moon Corp is gone." No, shit. Not only was Taeil the favorite child; but a lot of people admired him too. His employees adored him; and a lot of the investors are victims of that 'Moon' charm. He just has this natural pull towards people and they're definitely gonna notice if he's gone.

"I already talked to a private investigator in search of your brother and they assured me they can track him in less than a week," Hajoon briefed them in. "For now, let's just say your brother's... on Sabbatical."

"I still don't understand what went wrong," Yuta spoke up. "I mean - he was getting everything, didn't he? He was gonna be the CEO!" Unlike Taeil, Yuta wasn't born into wealth. His parents were just an ordinary couple until his mother walked out on them and his father died from an accident. He was lucky enough that his father was a close friend of Moon Hajoon, who then decided to take him in like he was his own child. When he started living in the mansion, Yuta saw how different his and Taeil's world were.

"Maybe it was a lot for him," Johnny tried to understand his cousin. After all, he was in the same boat as Taeil. He, too, lived under the spotlight, having to live up to the 'Suh' name. "I mean - he did seem a bit spaced out when I saw him leave the building."

"Did he say anything else, though? It's so not Taeil to just leave his responsibilities like this." Bora still can't believe Taeil is out of contact. Well, she can a bit. Taeil was always the hardest sibling to call. As much as everyone loves his voice, it annoys her that she always get sent to his fucking voicemail.

"Did he say anything to you when he left the building?" Hajoon asked Johnny. He was trying his best to keep it together. For both the family and business.

"Just that he'll head home," Johnny replied. He tapped Yuta's shoulder. "What else did the letter say, Yuta?"

"I already told you what I know, alright? It's not like Taeil-hyung was ever poetic, you know." Yuta shrugged. Taeil's letter was short and brief. Even Yuta, who overanalyzes everything, can't put meaning behind his words.

"Well, we don't expect him to write us a poem!" Bora exclaimed, throwing her arms in the air. "Just an explanation on why he just left like this."

"Whatever the reason is, we'll find out." Hajoon claimed, sending a quick text message to the family private investigator. "But for now, I'm gonna need you Bora to fill in your brother's position as COO. We can't have the company running without an enacting COO." 

Of course, their dad's concern is the family business. Didn't even ask if the three of them are okay; or if he's wondering if Taeil's okay.

"I - Of course, father." Bora nodded, pursing her lips together. She caught a sneaky glance from both Johnny and Yuta, sending them both a glare.

"Alright." Hajoon dismissed them before he went out to the valet to have their chauffeur drive him to Moon Corporation. The three kids watched him leave, wondering if he's gonna show an ounce of emotion now that they can't see him. He just seemed like he's doing well for someone who's son left without saying goodbye.

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