15. Club MXS

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"What did I do in your room? I-I wasn't in your room... what are you talking about?" The boy lied and looked at the taller boy, supposedly confused.

Namjoon scanned the smaller boy. "Why are you lying?" He asked in a serious tone.

Somehow, Namjoon was nothing like the over-enthousiast kid from the beginning.

Jungkook, who knew the boy from an early age, no longer recognized him. In fact, he felt a bit intimidated by him, which he had never felt before.

Then the boy opened the door to his room and turned on the light. He turned around with a broad grin. "If you want to see my new room just ask!" He said in his normal voice as he would always say.

He pulled the confused boy in and closed the door. "As you may have noticed, I have a new bed!" He said happily. "Remember when we used to sneak up in my bed and play on my grandma's phone? And when we got caught and you had to sleep in the guest room."

The memories came back and a small smile appeared on Jungkook's face. He nodded. "I remember. You ignored your grandma for a few hours until she offered you some icecream."

The two boys laughed.

Then Namjoon pointed to the computer that Jungkook had just played the game on. "And I have a new computer! And I'm really addicted to that game," He looked at the dark-haired boy. "Do you still play it?"

The boy just nodded.

"Do you wanna play it?!" He then asked, almost started jumping from excitement in his room.

The boy nodded again.

Namjoon clapped his hands happily and moved the chair to one side. "Come sit down!"

Jungkook did as the boy asked of him and put himself in the chair. Namjoon stood behind him. "Oh wait, I have to enter my password, don't look!" He said, leaning over Jungkook from behind, his long arms almost touching the boy's face.

Jungkook felt a little bit trapped in those strong arms. He felt his cheeks flush and looked for a distraction while Namjoon entered his cute password.

He immediately saw the photos of Namjoon's new friends again. He couldn't help himself and asked: "Who are those people on your photos?"

Namjoon had already logged in and looked at the photos. "Those are my friends." He said with a smile and pointed out one of the boys.

"This is Jimin, he's like the sweetest baby ever, and that's Jin, he's a really good cook and he always cooks with my grandma. And that's Yoongi, a pro genius gamer is what he calls himself." The boy had to giggle when he thought of his friend.

Jungkook lifted his head to see Namjoon's smiling face above him.

"And that's Taehyung, he wants to be a pro gamer just like Yoongi and he thinks he is already one but then he plays games with Yoongi and he loses." The boy laughed again.

Jungkook himself noticed that the more Namjoon was talking about his new friends, the more he got jealous and a frown appeared on his head.

"OEH OEH, and that's Jackson! He hates games but he's always just sitting next to me when I game. He's not friends with my friends but that's fine. One day I will force them to meet and they will be friends too."

Jungkook bit his lip when he could see Namjoon up close.

His sharp jawline, thick lips and cute nose. His skin a little bit darker than his.

He tilted his head back even more and admired his long neck.

"And this guy is Hoseok, he also plays the game we play. He's super funny and he can dance really good," Namjoon spoke, putting a hand on Jungkook's shoulder while still staring at his friends in the photos. "I think you'll like him." Then he looked down at the boy who had been admiring him the whole time.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2020 ⏰

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