Chapter 2 - Rest Day

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Once we had arrived back home, we decided to have a movie night, watching some of our favourite movies on netflix. Since we were all really tired we almost all fell asleep, we ate some quick leftovers for dinner before taking turns in showering. I showered quickly before changing into my pyjamas before sitting down on the couch and scrolling through social media on my phone. I liked a couple posts from Camila, she decided to take a gap year and dance around the world, she was meeting up with Mario, they started dating in the final weeks of High School. Everyone else finished showering and we decided we'd make some snacks. I fired up the popcorn machine before making some buttered popcorn. However when it came to adding the salt on top, obviously you add the butter first, Issy came and stole the salt shaker from me. She dumped probably half of it on the popcorn.
"What?" She asked innocently "You know that I like my popcorn really salty! I wanted to make sure you got the right amount of salt!"
I buried my head in my hands.
"If it wasn't salty enough we could have added more salt to your portion!" I exasperatedly announced "Not to the whole thing!" 
She smiled guiltily, I then snatched the salt shaker out of her hands before chucking it back into the drawer and taking the popcorn bowl before sitting on the couch, letting Amada and Sophia take some from the bowl. We selected a movie, the Breakfast Club before settling down under blankets and watching the movie. I leaned my head on Soph's shoulder and ate some popcorn, a soft smile on my face.


Today we had a rest day and we had multiple plans, go on a shopping trip, get heaps of ingredients to make lots of food so we didn't have to worry about cooking for the next week or two. The reason for this was to make multiple meals and then freeze them, then we can reheat them and eat them so we didn't have to actually cook. I got dressed into a simple grey jumpsuit before throwing over a trench coat just in case it was cold or windy outside, I then slipped on some black lace up boots and grabbed my purse. I pocketed my phone before walking out into the kitchen. Amada and Sophia were both up, dressed and eating breakfast but typically Isabella was still asleep, we rolled our eyes before barging into her room. Sophia moved for the curtains but I had a better idea, I tiptoed over to her bed before sitting on her legs, she woke up with a start, her eyes snapped open and she shoved me off. Lucky for me my reflexes were fast enough to land on my feet when she pushed me off, Sophia, Amada and I were laughing loudly as Issy groaned.
"Five more minutes." She mumbled, snuggling back under the covers
I shared a look with Sophia and Amada before smiling, without either of us saying a thing we all knew exactly what we were going to do. I simply shrugged.
"Well then I guess it's just us." I announced a little loudly "Since Issy seems to be too tired to go shopping with us."
Once again Issy's eyes snapped open and this time she sat up extremely quickly before throwing off the covers and running around her room in a mad rush. Soon enough she was throwing her pyjamas across the room and scrambling through her wardrobe and pulling her clothes, I shared a look with Ammy and Soph before we all burst out laughing. Issy stopped dead, in the middle of putting a pair of jeans on, looking at us, confusion written all across her features.
"What?" She asked confused and innocent
"You look." I paused to laugh "Absolutely ridiculous."
She pouted before continuing to dress, Amada, Sophia and I exited the room to let her get changed in peace, I quickly made her some breakfast that she could eat quickly before we left. She surfaced out of her room and she quickly scoffed down the piece of toast I had made her before pulling on her shoes and pulling her hair back into a high ponytail, she then looked at us.
"Well come on then."
We laughed before grabbing the apartment keys and closing the door behind us, the boys, who lived in an apartment across from us were going out to catch a movie or something. We waved before heading off to the shops, first we just browsed before grabbing the many groceries we needed to complete our cooking fest later today. We walked out carrying a heavy bag of shopping each before making our way back to our apartment. On the way back we found the boys who had just finished their movie and were on their way home. Leo immediately took Issy's bag in which she slapped him for even trying to help her, we all giggled secretly at that, she refuses help all the time but we all know there will come a time that she will have to accept it. It'd been a month since we left and Issy is now four months pregnant, her stomach was getting bigger and it was a bit more obvious to the world about her pregnancy. So far her morning sickness hasn't been too bad, she just vomits for an hour in the morning and is usually fine for the rest of the day, doesn't stop Leonardo from trying to look after her all the time, it's quite funny to watch. We walked up to the apartment before laying out our groceries, I put my hands on my hips before facing my best friends.
"Well how about that cooking?" I asked
They laughed and nodded.


Sorry for the lack of updates but the good news is I've actually finished writing this book, including an epilogue. So updates should be a bit more regular but keep in mind I am still me so it might not be hehe

As always....

Keep reading and I'll see you in the next chapter


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