Chapter 8 - X marks the spot (Sophia's POV)

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We were about to start watching Mulan when our phones all vibrated with a message, I frowned, thats a bit suspicious since they all went off at the same time. Issy, Amada, Addy and myself all reached for our phones simultaneously and read the message that I soon discovered was from Antonio.
Tony - A note should be coming into your possession very soon, have fun solving the clues ;)
I exchanged a glance with the other girls, I came to the assumption that we had all received the same message. That was when the sound of paper rustling filled our ears, we all rushed to the front door where a folded peice of paper was sitting adressed to the girls.
"I wanna open it!" Issy exclaimed
She went to pick it up before she was stopped by Adelina, who had a frown on her face caused by Issy's actions.
"No." Adelina scolded "Sophia should open it, if the message was from Antonio and I have a suspicion its for her."
I smiled before reaching and opening the letter, the other girls crowded around me to see but I read the note aloud anyway.
"Now the hunt has begun." I read "Look where the land meets the water, where you will find the first clue."
We all exchanged a glance before all coming to the exact same conclusion, in an instant we were out the door with shoes on. We all sprinted to the beach before splitting up and searching the small area, finally I noticed a small white flag with a red heart on it sticking out of the ground just above the tide. I pulled it out of the ground before unrolling the small note attached.
"FOUND IT!" I yelled
The girls came rushing over, their feet kicking up sand as the sprinted over to me, Issy puffed as she arrived last, but she was pregnant so I'll give her that one. Once she arrived she doubled over and we waited a minute for her to get her breath back. Once she had recovered I shot her a smile before reading out the second clue.
"A little market you might find something of interest. " it read "ten minutes, somethings waiting."
We all fell silent as we tried to think of somewhere when suddenly Adelina grabbed mine and Amada's hands and started marching us both to the car, Issy trailing not far behind. I shared a look with Amada before we simultaneously planted our heels in the ground, forcing Addy to stop dragging us.
"Where the hell are we going?"
Adelina fixed the three of us with a glare which made us all cower away, although I knew she would never hurt us didn't stop her from being the most terrifying person I have ever met.
"Get in the car and I'll explain on the way." None of us moved "NOW!"
Instantly we all scrambled into the rental car, I jumped into the front seat and Issy and Am piled into the backseat. Adelina was in the drivers seat and soon enough we were speeding around the corners towards somewhere.
"Where the hell are you taking us!" I screamed as Amada screamed "AND SLOW THE FUCK DOWN!"
Adelina slowed down a little bit, while keeping a bit faster speed then any of us in the vehicle with her would have liked.
"There's a small farmers markets on every Saturday." She said, making eye contact with me "That has to be where they mean."
We all nodded and Adelina put her foot on the accelerator, making the car go even faster, althoigh I wasn't entirely comfortable with the speed I chose not to mention it. We pulled up to a small farmers market that was about a ten minute drive from the villa, which explained the ten minute part of the clue. Once we arrived we walked into the markets which was busy full of locals buying different things, I scanned the area when my eyes fell on a white flag with a red heart attached to a stall where a lady was selling candles. We made a beeline for it, I smiled at the lady before reading the clue, that was when the lady spoke up.
"Are you Sophia?" She asked
I nodded and she smiled before passing me a red, pink and white ombre candle, I looked at it to her in confusion. She just smiled again.
"I hope you find what your looking for." She spoke wisely "and I hope your love lasts you a life time."
"Thank you." I replied
We then soon left and piled back into the car, I directed Adelina towards a small forest no far from the marketplace. We climbed out the car and this time Issy found the clue, the piece of paper was attached to a tree because of a white arrow with a heart top pierced through the paper. We quickly deciphered the clue before getting back into the car, Adelina sped off towards a river not to far away. We arrived before parking the car, we walked down to the edge of the water, following a rose petal trail over a hill and to the waters edge. There we found the boys standing on the edge with a small boat in the middle of the water with neon letters spelling out MARRY ME. My hand instantly flew to my mouth in shock as my eyes landed on Antonio standing in the centre, Adelina gave me a push and I walked over to him. He smiled and I smiled backs, tears already starting to fall.
"Sophia Elena Fernando. We have been dating for a few years now, and they have been the happiest times of my life. So" Antonio started, getting down on one knee "Will you marry me?"
I nodded, happy tears falling down my cheeks then I finally found my voice.
"Yes!" I replied "A million times yes."
He slipped the ring on my finger before standing up and kissing me, the others all cheered and whistled.

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